
Monkagedi Gaothobogwe
  • P7.5bn For Over 107 Clinics, Hospitals, Specialised Units

    Presenting the Ministry’s NDP 11 budget requests and projects to Parliament on Friday, Health and Wellness Minister, Dorcas Makgato announced that P5,124,000,000 will be used to upgrade and construct hospitals in various districts to provide...

  • BBS Announces Profits Despite Turbulant Market

    The society’s revenue in the first six months of their financial year hit P90.3 million, compared to P87.8 million at the same period last year. However, BBS’s P24.1 million profit announced in the first six months of the financial year is in...

  • Salary Talks Go To Court

    Last night BOFEPUSU AJA spokesperson Ketlhalefile Motshegwa confirmed the union party had just signed off court papers and that the urgent matter is due to be filed this morning. Motshegwa says as the Union Party they are of the view that the...

  • TK, The Budding BLLAHWU Highflier

    Thatayaone Kesebonye, also famously known as TK, appears destined for dizzy heights after recently completing his Masters in Economics and Labour Economics from one of the finest universities in the world, Campinas University in Sao Paulo, Brazil,...

  • Uncertainty As Motsamai Lands Plumb Post

    At his new post Motsamai will, among other things oversee a team of 40 scientists and associated staff at the national laboratory, something that has got the BOPEU family worried that it would saddle Motsamai with a heavy load and that it is only a...

  • Bayport Gives Customer P1m House

    The handing over of the house on Friday by Bayport also marked the end of their campaign, the Credit for Wealth Campaign, which started from October 2014, with the aim of promoting the use of borrowings for tangible personal development. Through the...

  • Khama Spies On UDC Talks

    Khama’s revelation about the opposition unity talks details may have put to light how far the President’s eye can see even behind closed doors, with the help of the security apparatus at his disposal, although throughout his revelations Khama...

  • No More �C Passes� Next Year, Setlalekgosi

    Despite pumping over half a million pula into the local primary school since she officially started adopting it in 2013, resulting in the overall pass rate improving from 41% to 55.6% last year, the 62-year-old popularly revered as ‘Ausi Pinkie’...

  • Good night Kenya, oops Berry Heart

    Q: The album is titled Kenya. It has Kenyan President on the front cover, Kenyan charity organisation, Kenyan flag on the back cover. It comes out in the euphoria of the BOT50 anniversary celebrations. What was going through your mind when you...

  • Botswana Advised To Back Down On New Public Service Bill

    The Monitor is in possession of  a letter from the PSI, the international trade  union federation representing public sector workers in 153 countrties, with more than 20 million members around the world. In their letter addressed to Botswana...

  • Fortune Smiles On Ipelegeng Hustler

    The competition also empowered 10 lucky winners as well as giving away cash prizes of over P70,000. For the last 13 years Selaelo, 29, of Goo-Moremi village, along the Tswapong Hills, has been a full time Ipelegeng worker, living on about P500 a...

  • Charma Gal Rises From the Ashes

    It was her first public appearance since  she lost five band members in a road mishap after a show in Gantsi on July 16. Almost four months later Charma Gal unveiled a new set of dancers and singers that include Michelle Segau, from Ramotswa,...

  • Moeng College Teachers Forfeit RASA Allowances

    In 2011 a saving gram declared the area  from the  disease control gate west of Ratholo village, up to Moeng college a RASA area, immediately earning all public officers serving there the RASA allowances. It would seem however that only teachers...

  • Public service salary negotiations resume

    It was agreed last Thursday, in a PSBC executive committee meeting, that salary negotiations would be among the pertinent issues to be thrashed out. In a letter to all PSBC members and deputy chairpersons of the trade union employer parties, PSBC...

  • BOSETU Campaigns Against Teacher-Student Sexual Relationships

    The campaign, themed, My Student, My Child, started last week in Selebi Phikwe, led by BOSETU secretary general Tobokani Rari. According to Rari, a worrying number of teachers continue to lose their jobs because sexual involvement with students,...

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