Mmegi Online offers the following banner types: Billboard, Half Page, Medium Rectangle & Skyscraper.
# | Banners | Size (Pixels) |
Per /Month |
1. | Billboard | ||
Option 1 (200,000 CPM) | 970 x 250 | P 12,000 | |
2. | Half Page | ||
Option 1 (200,000 CPM) | 300 x 600 | P 7,500 | |
3. | Skycraper | ||
Option 1 (200,000 CPM) | 1200 x 600 | P 6,500 | |
4. | Medium Rectangle (article) | ||
Option 1 (200,000 CPM) | 300 x 250 | P 6,000 | |
Banner Placement
Billboard, Half Page, and Skyscraper bannersappear on allpages of the website, including the home page. Medium Rectangle (article)in all articlepagesexcept the home page.
Shared / Rotation
All banner slots are shared between a maximum of 2 clients. The banner rotates(changes) to show a different client’s advert when a website user visits a new page, or reloads the same page.
Banner & Pricing
Banner advertising is sold using a monthly durationmodel. There are threemonthly pricing options per banner size -which are a “packaged” version of the CPMmodel (Cost Per Mile). CPM indicated the number of times your advert will be displayed during the 1 monthduration (e.g. CPM 200,000 indicated that your advert will be displayed 200,000 times during the 1 month duration).
If you need further clarification please contact
Tel: (+267) 3912667
Fax: (+267) 3907880
Private Bag BR 50 Gaborone
Sponsored articles will be under the section called Sponsored in the Mmegi website. This is a content inside Mmegi website and paid forby clients.
All articles will be:
Price: P4000
Price includes:
This is a content, (text and multiple images) paid for by a client published inside Mmegi website. It will be under the Full Picture section in the Mmegi website.
The advertorial will be:
Price: P7200
Price includes:
Price: P750 (per post)
Price: P2500 (per week)
Price: P2500 (per week)
Price: P3500 (per hour coverage)
# | Banners | Price |
1. | 15 * 3 | |
P 2,385.00 | ||
2. | 8 * 7 | |
Strip | P 2,968.00 | |
3. | Quarter Page | |
P 4,240.00 | ||
4. | Half Page | |
P 7,420.00 | ||
5. | Full Page | |
P 14,840.00 | ||
6. | Center Spread | |
P 29,680.00 |
For more info email: