BOMaid scuttles Bhagat contract


Bhagat is a heart specialist and operates a cardiac clinic in Gaborone. BOMaid's strategic business manager, Dr Bangwato Sikwa confirmed that the contract was terminated, but denied reports that BOMaid had decided to terminate relations with Bhagat because of exorbitant charges. 'We have contracts with service providers and his contract has not been renewed,' said Sikwa.

However, in a letter written to the medical aid's members explaining the just ended relationship with Bhagat, Sikwa stated that the move not to renew Bhagat's contract comes in the wake of concern over inflation and the cost of health. 

The board members argue that these costs continue to spiral, hurting the performance of the medical aid. 'We advise with regret that notwithstanding the time invested in the negotiations and debates with Professor Bhagat on our continued business relationship, we have not agreed on a number of critical areas,' states the letter from Sikwa. 'To this end, we have with effect from July 1 2008 not renewed our contract with Professor Bhagat,' she adds. She further states that BOMaid has also advised its client to seek cardiology services at Gaborone Private Hospital instead of reaching out to Bhagat. 

Those who want to continue accessing services from Bhagat are permitted to do so though the letter from Sikwa was unequivocal in its announcement that the medical fund 'will not be making any direct payments to Baghat'. In an interview, Bhagat denied the fallout with BOMaid arguing that the letter from Sikwa dated July 18 this year and addressed to members informing them about the fallout was outdated. 'What I know is that we are re-negotiating,' he said.