Dobolo appeals to karate association
| Friday June 13, 2008 00:00
BOKA spokesperson Moses Moloi confirmed they have received the letter from Dobolo who recently failed to get his Ryshin-Kan karate style and club affiliated to BOKA. The club was established last year and Dobolo's hope of its endorsement as a BOKA member was dashed at the association's annual meeting early last month. BOKA officials had accepted Ryshin-Kan but the general assembly rejected it questioning the capability of Dobolo as its leader as he had just retired as an athlete. Moloi explained that BOKA official's acceptance of Ryshin-Kan was not an oversight as the club had met the necessary requirements and the issues raised at the general assembly were extraneous to registration. Though Dobolo and his club have staged successful tournaments, the BOKA assembly felt that he needed to be assessed before affiliation. Moloi said they do not have power to set aside the decision taken by the assembly. He explained that in a meeting they held on Wednesday, they resolved to call a special meeting to find out if the general membership still feels the same way about the style. He said until such a time that the members have agreed that the style be endorsed, there is nothing that the executive committee can do.
BOKA plans a special meeting at the end of next month. Moloi said there are many things that Dobolo need to learn before he becomes an instructor. Dobolo normally stages his tournaments in open places and this is said to be unsafe. Moloi said there is nothing that they can do about the matter because Ryshin-Kan is not a member of BOKA. However, he added that they are concerned about the welfare of the youngsters that Dobolo is training. Dobolo's style was rejected in a highly emotional meeting. Before the meeting, he had alleged that there are some people in the executive committee who were influencing members to reject his style. Moloi is not impressed by the way Dobolo is handling the issue. He said Dobolo's penchant for running to the media whenever he has a problem is unacceptable. 'Dobolo has to accept that he has his short-comings and that he needs help. It is not like we do not want him to succeed. We just want to help him,' said Moloi.
In another matter, the suspension of BOKA member Shukokai came to an end on May 31. The style was suspended following infighting. Moloi said they are still to call the style members to see if they can reconcile. The infighting started when the chief instructor, Sensei Socca Moruakgomo handed over to Sensei Ookeditse Malesu, as he wanted to focus on music. Two groups operating under the same name emerged and BOKA's efforts to reconcile them failed resulting in the suspension.