
Tender Notice And Invitation to Tender T1.1

Tender Notice And Invitation to Tender T1.1 Tender Notice And Invitation to Tender T1.1
Tender Notice And Invitation to Tender T1.1

Tender offers are invited for a Tender For provision of Technical Advisory Services of the Public Private Partnership Initiative in Botswana The Procuring Department is Development and Budget Division

Procurement Method is Open International Bidding.

Price Preference Margins as outlined in the Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy of 2012 and related amendments of 2013 shall apply.

Tenderers who are domiciled in Botswana must, in order to be considered for the award of the contract, be registered with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board in the following categories: Code: 314 – Financial Related Services; Subcode(s): 01 - Finance Management OR Code: Code: 317 – Other Consultancy Services Subcode(s): 01 - Management Consultancy services OR Code: 318 – Legal Services Subcode(s): 01 –

Legal Services

Foreign companies must be in possession of documentation defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business.

Documents may be collected during working hours on Monday to Thursday from 0830 hours to 1230 hours or 1345hours to 1530hours CAT (UTC+2) or Friday from 0830 hours to 1000 hours CAT (UTC+2) from the 1st November 2021.

A non-refundable deposit of BWP1,100 payable by cash to the Government of Botswana is required on collection of the tender documents from the above office.

NB: Youth companies will be sold the tender documents at 50% of the selling price as per Presidential Directive CAB 14(B) 2015. Proof of eligibility, issued and certified by the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture will be required at point of sale.

Tender documents shall be collected at Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Banking Hall, Khama Crescent, Government Enclave, Gaborone, Botswana, Southern Africa.

Queries relating to the issue of these documents may be addressed to: Ms Marea Mabina, Tel No. (+267) 3950178, Fax No. (+267) 3956086/ Ms Boitumelo Mashalane,Tel No.(+267) 3633639, Fax No. (+267) 3956086 e-mail: mrmabina@gov.bw/bmashalane@gov.bw to be received not later than 10 working days before the closing date of the tender.

The closing date and time for receipt of tender offers is on the 24th December, 2021 at 1000 hours CAT (UTC+2)

Late tender offers will NOT be accepted. Telephonic, telegraphic, telexed, facsimile or emailed tender offers will NOT be accepted.

  • A Two envelope system procedure will be followed:
  • Bids should be submitted as follows:
  • A separate envelope containing the Technical bid (without any financial details) clearly marked Technical bid with Tender number and Title. One (1) Original clearly marked “ORIGINAL” plus two (2) copies clearly marked “COPY”.
  • A second envelope sealed containing the Financial bid (with Financial details, for carrying out the task outlined in the Technical bid, including the completed and signed Form of Offer and Acceptance (C1.1)), clearly labelled Financial bid with Tender Number, Title and warning “Do Not Open with Technical Bid” One (1) original clearly marked “ORIGINAL” plus two (2) copies clearly marked “COPY”.
  • Failure to separate the two envelopes of Financial Offer and Technical Offer as instructed would lead to disqualification.
  • The two envelopes should be put together in a third outer envelope, which should be sealed and labelled with the tender number, Title of the Tender and name of bidder on the back of the envelope.
Tenders must be registered with the Security Officer at Ministry of Finance & Economic Development headquarters (Link Block) first floor before being dropped in the tender box

The bidders may signal their intension to withdraw their bid in writing 5 days before closing of the Tender and the Withdrawal Letter shall be authorized and submitted in the same way and addressed as the bid, in an envelope clearly marked “WITHDRAWAL”

Telegraphic, telex, telephone, facsimile and email tenders will NOT be considered

The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board’s Standardised Conditions of Tender apply to this procurement, for which all the applicable Tender Data is contained in the tender documents.

Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing, the Government of Botswana is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender offer.

Karabo C. Thibelang

Secretary, Ministerial Tender Committee

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development