
Using art to relieve agony

Magwaneng has decided to use her creativity to distress
Magwaneng has decided to use her creativity to distress

Born with the talent, Magwaneng told Arts & Culture that she specialises in abstract art, which is also known as a non-figurative or non-objective art. She said she mostly focuses on portrait drawing either by pencil or painting.

Born to a family of artists, Magwaneng explains that his uncle is an Art teacher whereas her siblings and some of her cousins are also independent visual artists. She added: “I started drawing from an early age (Standard One to be precise).

I managed to draw some definable objects unlike some of my colleagues, something which left an impression on my teachers. I didn’t understand why I was an excellent artist at that age but believed it was God given and a generational thing in my family.” Magwaneng elaborated that as she grew up, she started using her creativity to relieve some of the emotions and tensions she could not share with other people.

She added that she transferred her anger through drawing into canvas and would feel a great relief after the drawing is complete. Colouring and drawing turned out to have a great therapeutic impact on the 28-year-old woman when she was dealing with pain and anxiety.

She elaborated that painting and drawing were just magically good for her mind and body. According to Harvard Health research, art therapy helps lower the perception of pain by moving your mental focus away from the painful stimulus.

Furthermore the same research states that it is not simply a distraction, but rather a way to teach you how to relax and alter your mood, so the pain does not control your emotional state. When she is asked how she balances work and art, the entrepreneur who is into construction, supplies and cleaning services, said she just needed to be irritated to do art.

After the therapeutic session of drawing the same portrait, she shared that she will be up and focused again on her work. The health and safety graduate and a level three first aider also shared that art relieves her from all the tensions thrown in from hustling and meetings for different tender discussions from both private and corporate companies.

The go-getter said she has participated in Francistown Art Meeting exhibitions. Aside from her hectic schedule from work, Magwaneng is an MC and also runs a brand called Wolf Mother and Alpha Male.

The self-taught fashion designer together with her artistic creativity, is now enjoying the fruits of her hard work and determination. She has emceed for Roots Live sessions and also does promo works on different occasions.

Now as a businesswoman, she advised her age mates to take advantage of the untapped business opportunities and their natural born talents in order to generate revenue for themselves. She said they should desist from being spoon fed by the government but rather divert their energy into unleashing their talents so that they can fend for themselves.