
Bantsi targets BAA presidential position

Former president of Botswana Athletics Association (BAA), Moses Bantsi
Former president of Botswana Athletics Association (BAA), Moses Bantsi

Despite his interest to retain his position as BAA president, Bantsi was forced to resign from office in 2017 together with his deputy, the late Roland Masalila and secretary general, Legojane Kebaitse. Before the resignation, Orapa athletics club had moved a motion of no confidence against Kebaitse, but unfortunately could not secure enough votes for his removal. According to information reaching Mmegi Sport, Bantsi has now cast his name as BAA prepares for elections. “Bantsi feels that BAA has been stagnant since he left office. He feels that it is time for new leadership to take over office and steer the association to a new direction,” a source said.

The current BAA president, Paphane Botlhale, has also shown interest of seeking re-election. The elections are expected to be a show down. Bantsi is the current president of CAA Southern Africa and his intention is to take over from the current CAA president, Hamad Kalkaba Malboum. The continental body is also going for elections this year. CAA Southern Africa is going for elections in January 15 after being elected into office in 2019. There has been tension with some members calling for the executive committee to be removed from office, an issue that reached the CAA high office. Malboum has come under heavy criticism for failing the continent. Contacted for comment, Bantsi said he was not in position to respond to the matter. “It is still early for me to respond to your enquiry. But if people want me to serve athletics, who am I to refuse. I shall see when the time is right,” Bantsi said.