
A classic encounter with ‘yellow monster’

An irate squatter stood in the way of the raging ‘yellow monster’ PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG
An irate squatter stood in the way of the raging ‘yellow monster’ PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG

The woman, who was carrying a child on her back, could not believe the Kweneng Land Board’s decision to obliterate her place. The latter had sent a bulldozer popularly known as the ‘yellow monster’ to demolish various structures in the squatter settlement in Nkoyaphiri ward in Mogoditshane. The monster was about to leave the woman and her children without a roof over their heads. There was really no time to retrieve items such as furniture because just like other affected squatters, she had failed to move out before the operation began. The woman did not care to clear out her belongings as the bulldozers’ shovels loomed. Instead, she was brave enough to stand in the way of the raging ‘yellow monster’ which was ready to swing into action, clearing everything in its path. She could not take the police’s advice to move out of the way setting a classic altercation between her and the ‘yellow monster’.

The woman who did not reveal her name after her classic encounter with the monster, was ready to put her life on the line to protect her family’s property. She believed that their property rights had been trampled. Her heroic efforts managed to stop the monster from ravaging her property and therefore they lived to fight another day. Although the Land Board did halt the monster’s shovels because the government had intervened, Kweneng Land Board chairperson, Kgang Kgang has since indicated that the ‘yellow monster’ will be back to action. ‘’Last week there were two men and women who came here. They took my number and my brother’s and said they will call us to come to the Land Board. Now, we’re surprised because we do not know what is happening. I don’t understand if they are going to tear down the house or what,” the persistently bold woman said. She maintained her family had lived there for years and it was surprising to see the Land Board and their 'yellow monster' threatening to bring down their house. “We accepted a letter from the Land Board asking us to come back and wait for our plot in Mogoditshane.

My mother had a meeting with the land authority and they later informed her that they will be in touch. They even took contacts of three people in our family. Eventually, they called my brother and he went back to them last year. This year they came and took pictures. I often asked why they kept coming here to take pictures on one house only. They responded that they had their own reasons. My mother told me this information in case she passes away before the whole thing is resolved,’’ she outlined. She was really hoping for leniency since their family had been in contact with the Land Board. Last week Friday, Kgang ordered the squatters to gather their belongings to make way for the 'yellow monster'. But the squatters ignored the eviction notice from the Land Board. Kgang maintains that for months the squatters had been told to vacate Nkoyaphiri, the land they claim to have lived on for over 21 years. The Land Board is walking a real tight rope and at the moment it is leaning towards destroying the squatters’ structures.