BCP to contest 2024 general elections solo
Chakalisa Dube | Monday July 17, 2023 18:39
The party will however not quit the UDC now as that could trigger by-elections.
'Ga ke batle ope wa babega dikgang a re, a se se raya gore re dule mo UDC. Akere BPF e le boleletse gore e tsene mo UDC. A bakile ba ya ko palamenteng ba ya go raya spikara (Speaker of the National Assembly) bare re ntshe mo BPF jaanong re ma UDC? No, jaanong why us? Ke eng UDC e sa reye BPF ya re kwalelang spikara gore go ntshiwe ditilo fa le nnang teng le bape le rona. Ga ba dire jalo because ba tshaba di bye-election.'-BCP President Dumelang Saleshando has just said at the closing ceremony of the party conference hosted in Tutume.