Festus Gontebanye Mogae(Mogae Legacy)


He is currently serving his second term in office following his re-election in the October 2004 general election. He will leave the presidency on Monday 31 March 2008. Vice President Ian Khama will take over as President.

Mogae was Vice-President from 1992 to 1998, and Leader of the House for the Botswana National Assembly. He served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Council of Ministers from 1992 to 1996. Mogae was made Minister of Finance and Development Planning in 1989.

He has served as a member of the Botswana Democratic Party Central Committee and Chairperson of its Finance and Economic Committee. From 1982 to 1989, Mogae was Permanent Secretary to the President, Secretary to the Cabinet and Supervisor of Elections. He was Governor of the Bank of Botswana from 1980 to 1981. Mogae previously served in Washington DC as the Alternate Executive and Executive Director for Anglophone Africa at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1976 to 1980. He was Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning from 1975 to 1976. From 1971 to 1976, Mogae was the Alternate Governor for Botswana at the IMF, African Development Bank and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was Director of Economic Affairs from 1972 to 1974, a post he had progressed to after joining the civil service as a Planning Officer in 1968. Mogae has served as Director and later as Chairman of the Botswana Development Corporation; and Director of the De Beers Botswana Mining Company, Botswana RST Ltd, Bangwato Concessions Ltd, BCL Sales Ltd and Bank of Botswana.

He has a Bachelor's degree in economics from Oxford University and a Master's degree in development economics from the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom. Mogae was born on 21 August 1939 in Serowe, Botswana.

Born: 21-Aug-1939_
Birthplace: Serowe, Botswana
Gender: Male
Wife: Barbara (nee Modise)

High School: Moeng College  
University: University of Sussex   
University: BA Economics, Oxford University

President of Botswana (1-Apr-1998 to present)   
Member of Botswana Parliament - Palapye Constituency (1994-98)  
Vice President (1992-98)   
Minister - Finance and Development Planning (1989-92)   
Governor - Bank of Botswana (1980-81)   
Executive Director - International Monetary Fund Anglophone Africa (1976-80)  
Botswana Minister Finance and Development Planning (1975-76)

Ex - Member of the Board of Bangwato Concessions Ltd. _   
Ex - Member of the Board of BCL Sales Ltd. _   
Ex - Member of the Board of Botswana RST Ltd
President - Botswana Society for the Deaf
Chairman - National AIDS Council
Member - The Botswana Society (Research Organisation)
Member - Kalahari Conservation Society
Member - Achievement Botswana
Member - Lions Club of Palapye

The 2002 Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Confer Weekend Chair's Award
The Africa-America Institute National Leadership Award
AIDS Leadership Award
Harvard AIDS Institute

Grand Cross of Commander of the Legion of Honour
AIDS Leadership Distinguished Achievement Award
Medunsa Trust
Washington DC

Global Market Place Award
Corporate Council on Africa

Hon Fellowship of Botswana Institute of Bankers
University of Botswana

HATAB's Award for Outstanding Contribution to Botswana's Tourism Industry

President's Order of Honour of Botswana

Officier de l'Ordre Nationale de Cot d'Ivoire

I'Ordre Nationale du Mali

University of Oxford and Sussex, UK

PH (Annual Spirit of Port Huron )
University of Oxford and Sussex, UK

* (extra information sourced from www.thecommonwealth.org)