
A Zebras brand in tatters

This was particularly so in the period from 2006 and 2015 when the team endeared itself to the nation with strong-willed displays. It came as no surprise that the largest ever crowd was recorded in 2015 when Zebras played Mali at the Obed Itani Chilume Stadium. However, since then the national side has operated in fits and starts, with intermittent and half-hearted efforts to breathe life into a faltering brand. I don’t think at the current rate, there is a fan who would mind missing a Zebras game.

Local league matches are now more attractive than a Zebras match. Fans have however remained loyal as shown in the Zebras’ last match at the Obed Itani Chilume Stadium. The national team does not belong to an individual; it is a national project which probably explains why the die-hard patriot will stick with the team come rain or sunshine. But there is a lot of work for authorities at Lekidi Centre to ensure the Zebras regain its lustre. There are reports that some players will do everything not to be part of the current Zebras set-up.

Others are reportedly being fetched from their homes to fulfil national duty. This should not be allowed to happen. Players should die to represent their country. It should be every players dream to don the national team jersey. But at the moment, all points to a jersey that has lost a lot of shares on the stock market. Two players, Thero Setsile and Mothusi Johnson were sent home for indiscipline over the weekend. Zebras coach, Mogomotsi ‘Teenage’ Mpote faces a task of unimaginable proportions to get both results and the passion from the players.

But the coach’s job should be made easier by the association, which should channel more energy towards rebuilding a resolute Zebras. Fans yearn for the days when the streets will be deserted when the Zebras were playing, they want those days when the road shows were the in-thing leading up to national team games. Those were the days when ‘Tsaya thobane’ became the undisputed Zebras sound track. But not anymore, as Dr Vom’s tune is now synonymous with cultural events. The Zebras has been reduced to a heap of an underperforming group desperately looking for that kiss of life.