
Nico announce P2.7m sponsorship


Majombolo as Nico United are affectionately known by their supporters will receive P900, 000 per season for three years from Okavango Wilderness Safaris.

“Okavango Wilderness Safaris (OWS) and Nico United Sporting Clubs finally launched their three-year partnership.

This will see Okavango Wilderness Safaris sponsor Nico United with P2, 700, 000 for three seasons, translating to P900, 000 a season,” Nico United announced through their social media page yesterday.

The announcement comes at a time when there has been a public outcry about the reduction of financial support for local football from the private sector. Nico United were among the clubs that suffered financially in the past after the closure of BCL mine, which was the major sponsor for the Selebi Phikwe based side. The lack of financial support saw them relegate to the lower division but returned last season to the premier league. They are in their second season in the elite league after returning from the lower division.

According to information shared on the club’s social media page, the sponsorship incorporates clubs in the Ngami area being Sankoyo Bush Bucks and Shorobe United. “Apart from funds allocated by Okavango Wilderness Safaris, Nico United will assist the teams with capacity building for administration work, coaching clinics for technical team, easy sharing of players where possible and other non monetary assistance in these three years so that Ngami can also be represented in the Premier League,” a statement from Nico United says.