
Fraudsters fleece Serowe man of P150k


He said after making him believe that he had won P4,000, the fraudsters tricked the old man into sending P50,000 into their account. Serowe Police Station commander, Superintendent Poloko Oteng said after realising that his P50,000 was withdrawn the victim contacted them through the phone number they had communicated with and promised to return the money.

“While he was still waiting for them to return his money the fraudsters, to his dismay and shock, withdrew another P100,000 from his account. Investigations into the matter are ongoing to establish who the fraudsters are and if they can return the victim’s money. We are greatly concerned about the number of people who fall prey to criminals who swindle them of substantial amounts of money,” he said.

He further stated that recently another Serowe inhabitant was defrauded of money amounting to P7,500 when trying to purchase a Madza Demio on Facebook. “The victim had posted on Facebook looking for a car to buy and someone who claimed to be in Palapye sent him pictures of a Madza Demio he claimed to be selling.

When they were yet to meet the victim received a phone call from the alleged seller who gave him the impression that the Sheriff wanted to impound the car due to his pending debt hence pleading with him to send him at least P7,500 to pay and later switched off his phone. Investigations into this matter are also ongoing to locate the suspect,” Oteng said.