
Suspended karate SG snubs hearing

Aggrieved: Dick shunned a hearing PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Aggrieved: Dick shunned a hearing PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

According to a statement authored by disciplinary commission chairperson, Jerry Ditlhong, the purpose of the hearing was to address specific concerns and allegations that have been brought against Dick, as stated in the suspension letter.

However, Dick told MmegiSport he was surprised to receive communication from Ditlhong instead of Philip Setiko, who was the chairperson of the disciplinary commission. Dick said it was also wrong for the disciplinary commission to request a Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) employee to serve him with the letter. “In what capacity is he calling and texting the BOKA secretary-general? The secretary-general sits in the executive committee which appoints the disciplinary commission. So I am not aware of him and I do not remember his name being brought forth for his consideration.

They also addressed the letter to a certain Mr Tshepang, that is not my surname,” Dick lashed out. He said it was surprising that Setiko was no longer the chairperson. Dick argued that he is still wondering which provision of the BOKA constitution has he violated. “The president talks of his powers to discipline, so how does he expect justice to be practised in the absence of commissions since he is operating in a vacuum,” he said.

BOKA president, Mpho Bakwadi told Mmegi Sport that he was aware that Dick did not show up for the hearing. “He decided not to attend the hearing but they decided to set another date. If he does not show up again, we will just take it that he refused; life goes on. Look, I am tired of the negativity surrounding karate. People have even forgotten their mandate, which is to develop athletes,” he said.

When asked why there have been changes in the chairperson of the disciplinary commission position, Bakwadi said it was up to the commission to appoint a chairperson out of the five members. He added that Setiko was only acting.

Meanwhile, Bakwadi said the BOKA financial report is ready. “We are accounting for February and March only. So, we will soon invite BOKA affiliates to come and appreciate the report. As we said during the Annual General Meeting (AGM), we cannot account for the period that we were not in office,” Bakwadi said.