
Bulela Ditswe aspirants overwhelm Tsholetsa House

Aspirant candidates yet to be vetted PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG
Aspirant candidates yet to be vetted PIC: PHATSIMO KAPENG

The July extraordinary congress in Palapye decided among other things, that to contest in the primaries, one ought to have been a member of the BDP for two or more years.

“Expression of Interest (EOI) started last week on October 12, 2023, and it was supposed to end by October 17. However, we had to extend it to November 2 to allow those who want to express their interest to do so.

Even the EOI started only last week, there has been an overwhelming response,” Kavis Kario, the BDP secretary-general (SG) told this publication in an interview. According to the BDP SG, the process will help the party to identify members who are eligible to contest for party structures.

Moreover, the SG said people who have expressed their interest must know that they are not aspirant candidates yet. Kario added that there are still processes to be followed before the final approval of the party central committee (CC).

He revealed that the crucial structure that plays a major role in their primary elections is the branch committee, which deals with the vetting process from the lower level. Kario continued: “If one wants to contest for a Parliamentary seat, he or she should have paid P5,000 to the party.

“The branch will need the receipt before anything and it will look again at the candidate’s behaviour as well as the record in the party. You cannot contest for elections while new”. The BDP SG said he hoped party members concentrated at the extraordinary congress when some of the key Bulela Ditswe resolutions were made.

Still, on the matter, the SG said it is important for those who are expressing their interest to read and understand forms before filling them out. He said the CC takes the recommendation made by the branches into serious consideration when making a decision on every member who wants to contest. Kario said the final decision lies on the recommendations and the CC independent assessment.

The SG also said those who are approved will be the final candidates for the primaries and therefore be governed by the code and conduct of Bulela Ditswe.

Kario, however, said as the process of expressing interest is still on, the BDP members are requested to abide by the party rules and regulations while working in harmony. He pointed out that the party has not decided on the dates of the primary elections yet. In that regard, the SG said after this process of EOI, they will have to find out first how ready the lower structures from the constituency level are to start receiving the formal applications.

“All prospective candidates whose Form A has been submitted to the branch committee shall be vetted by such committee with a view to recommending to the CC for approval or disapproval of such as a candidate for such an election. “With respect to the vetting of local government candidates, the branch committee shall invite the chairperson and secretary of the respective ward,” the BDP constitution on vetting states.

Furthermore according to the constitution, during the process of vetting the committee responsible shall consider the prospective candidate’s integrity, personality, commitment to the party, ability to represent the party and the public if elected and all other qualifications under the electoral laws of Botswana.

It also says vetting of each candidate shall include an examination of proof of payment of the primary election application fee and the decision CC shall be final. It further points out that all interested persons, whose participation is likely to give rise to a conflict of interest, shall rescue themselves from the vetting body during consideration of the relevant ward and or constituency candidates.