
Muzila eyes Francistown East

Muzila is also a prophetess and the founder of the Jehovah Potters Assembly PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Muzila is also a prophetess and the founder of the Jehovah Potters Assembly PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

Muzila, who is also a prophetess and the founder of the Jehovah Potters Assembly, began her political career in September 2021. She told Mmegi that she joined politics to serve the interests of the people. She will contest the Francistown East parliamentary seat next year if the BPF is allocated the constituency as she believes she possesses the requisite qualities of a leader.

At the moment, she noted that it is still uncertain who will represent Francistown East since negotiations for the allocation of constituencies are ongoing at the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC). Muzila said they are currently exerting great effort to promote the BPF membership drive in the same constituency.

She asserted that her prophetic abilities would not be hampered by her political engagements. 'Many things will be said to destroy my church, but I will not stop proclaiming the gospel and the good news of salvation. I recognise that the choice can backfire since some members might choose to quit the church, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions,” she said. 'I have received criticism in the past as a church leader, but this was because some people were reluctant to see a progressive leader,' she continued.

'Most of the political spin is unfounded, but anyway, everyone is free to hold whatever opinion they choose and that won't bother me in the slightest.' Muzila stated that the BPF is her political home and that she joined the party because it holds a special place in her heart. She stated that the party's platform aligns with her interests in economic reform, justice, empowerment, and inequality. 'A patriotic leader will be someone devoted and determined to fight for what is best for the nation and its citizens,' further articulates Muzila.

The BPF vice president said becoming a political activist is fuelled by a lack of employment opportunities and low wages bedevilling Batswana. “Leading a church has exposed me to several difficulties affecting young people, leading to alcohol and drug abuse precipitated chiefly by unemployment,” she further pointed out. Muzila stated that she would have the opportunity to speak up for the voiceless and defend the rights of the people as a political leader. She also said the current administration also makes it difficult for churches to thrive.

According to the vice president of the BPF, churches these days must go through rigorous procedures to function, which is not ideal. “Being an intermediary is a calling and should not be subjected to stringent policies,” she added. One of the things that she intended to tackle is corruption.