
An evening filled with laughter


A number of comedy lovers filled up the Phakalane Convention centre where both local and international comedians cracked them up with laughter.

The day's host was Johnny Pula who did his job diligently by making people laugh the night away with endless jokes. He mimicked different celebrities including Vee Mampeezy, former President Ian Khama and others.

One of the promising upcoming comedians, Depay, who is also an online sensation, made jokes about his girlfriend. He passed jokes about her changing voices after smoking, from a sweet innocent voice to a deep one.

On the other hand, Dexter-the local comedian joked about how people who went to government schools behaved compared to ones who went to private schools. He also made a joke saying Batswana deny a lot of things. In one of his jokes, he asked how many people knew their biological fathers saying he was confident that many in the room would deny knowing them. In the other joke he said crime would not be where it currently is.

'Molepolole residents are trying but it is not enough. Our criminals do not own their crimes. You don't know because you watch Channel O. In other countries there are big criminals such as those who are terrorists and that man you can see him on news confidently affirming their crimes. There are also heist criminals,' he said. He also mimicked former president SKI. He told the audience that if Jesus was a Motswana they would be drinking lots of wine. because he would have denied his name.He said it was unfortunate that Judas was going to sell him out but Jesus would still deny being the Saviour and the son of God.

Triccs, a very promising comedian from Gaborone West also famous as G-West who identifies himself as lenyora said he calculates everything with quarts, adding that he was confident that P15 000 would buy the whole liquor in the bar. He further cracked a joke saying when manyora have the money, they would be easily noticed from far with the way they walk and behave. He talked of how they like nice things and like boasting about their expensive clothes. Due to their behaviour, he said he would never take his manyora friends to surburbs because of their mentality

Furthermore, Rib Cracker who has been in the comedy industry for long teased former member of Parliament, Botsalo Ntuane who was also present at the event. He even made him stand up so the audience sees him. He made jokes about the former MP's 'colourful' shoes. Furthermore, he also passed a joke about a certain couple where the partner did not take it well.

Realising the man was unhappy, he changed to make jokes about other people but mostly Ntuane who did not seem bothered by the jokes but laughed his ribs off. His jokes were also about his 'mechanic wife' who calls everything with car parts.

However, the popular Zimbabwean comedian, Charles Manase disappointed the audience with lame jokes where he made a number of curses when performing. He talked of how COVID-19 taught people how to make alcohol. How people had to register their name at the shops and many never wrote their real names. The offended audience told him to finish his act fast because he was hurting their feelings.The event host, Modiri Keseabetswe also known as Mod, cracked jokes on how Batswana never wear pyjamas and would rather wear t-shirts from politicians when they go to bed instead of pyjamas. During his performance, he said he got most of his jokes from his Uncle Banky because unlike him, his uncle had no platform to crack them at. He joked about being married for 13 years saying when things were still in the honeymoon stage that made love seem beautiful until the couple got used to one another and then things changed. The event that was free entry and surely attract a number of audience who bought a couple of drinks and food. The audience enjoyed their night and asked for more comedy shows.