
JC, BGCSE results to be released soon

Students: JC, BGCSE results to be released soon
Students: JC, BGCSE results to be released soon

In a press statement today, BEC stated that the announcement of results will allow students to make informed decisions regarding their educational pathways.

While JCE results will be released during the week ending February 2, 2024, BEC has also stated that BGCSE results are scheduled to be released during the week ending March 8, 2024, providing students with a comprehensive evaluation of their secondary education journey. The media release further disclosed that marking of JCE started on December 4, 2023 and was completed on December 22. Furthermore, according to the BEC the BGCSE marking resumed with Phase 1 on December 11 up to December 22, 2023 while phase 2 started on January 8 and expected to be completed on January 21, 2024. “All three levels of general education, PSLE, JCE and BGCSE written examinations were successful completed. There have not been any challenges since the commencement of the revised BGCSE examinations timetable which started on November 1, 2023 up to the last day of this examination on December 7, 2023,”reads the media release.

Meanwhile, the PSLE results were released on December 19, 2023. The BEC expressed its heartfelt appreciation to all stakeholders involved in the successful completion of the 2023 general education examinations.