
Educators with disabilities encouraged to overcome barriers


The call was made by president of the Botswana Sectors of Educators Trade Union (BOSETU), Winston Radikolo, at the BOSETU Disability Forum. In his address, he emphasized the importance of creating a psychological environment where educators with disabilities feel free to express themselves without fear of judgement. 'You must be able to speak up, make valuable contributions, and not be afraid to voice your opinions in the workplace,' Radikolo said at the forum organised by the BOSETU gender desk. He added that educators with disabilities should be empowered and valued for their unique perspectives and contributions.

Furthermore, Radikolo emphasized the importance of gratitude and appreciation for life, urging educators with disabilities not to view their circumstances as unfair or unjust. 'Educators with disabilities are pillars of the nation and they play a crucial role in shaping the future of the country through their dedication and commitment to education,' he said. Radikolo noted the resilience and strength of educators with disabilities, highlighting their invaluable contributions to the education sector and the broader community. He said as the education sector continues to evolve, it is crucial to embrace diversity and create opportunities for all educators to thrive and make meaningful contributions to the advancement of education in Botswana. 'There is a need for a supportive and nurturing work environment where all educators, regardless of their abilities, can thrive and excel,' the president added.