
Chombo shares other multi- talents

The reigning Miss Botswana, Lesego Chombo is a woman of many talents PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE
The reigning Miss Botswana, Lesego Chombo is a woman of many talents PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE

In an interview with Showtime, Chombo shared that her journey as a poet began in junior school when her English teacher recognised her talent and encouraged her to participate in the Poet-Okavango competition.

'At the competition, I secured the second position on the first year and the following year I got position one, which boosted my confidence and love for poetry,' Chombo said. Apart from poetry, Chombo also revealed her love for music. She says she sings and also plays the guitar, often favouring gospel music as a means of worshiping her Christian faith. 'Music is a powerful way for me to express my devotion to God, and I am considering the idea of releasing my own music in the future,' Chombo stated. In addition to her artistic talents, Chombo has a new found skill in hairstyling.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, she discovered her ability to style hair out of necessity. 'I took matters into my own hands and found that I have a knack for hairstyling. After the lockdown, I even took a leap of faith and pursued a hairstyling business, leaving my law job for six months. It was a difficult decision for those around me to understand, but I was following my heart,' Chombo shared. When asked about her diverse talents and balancing them with her role as an attorney at the High Court of Botswana, Chombo emphasised the importance of pursuing one's passions.

'I believe in living a well-rounded life, and I cherish each of my talents. Being a lawyer allows me to advocate justice, while my artistic pursuits bring joy and fulfilment to my life,' she said. Chombo said her dynamic persona and determination have positioned her as a strong contender for the upcoming Miss World pageant in India this March. 'With my unwavering dedication, I am poised to make a lasting impact on the global stage,' she said. As her journey unfolds, Chombo remains committed to inspiring others to embrace their passions and pursue their dreams. 'I want to be a role model for young girls and women, showing them that they can excel in various fields and live a life filled with purpose and joy,' Chombo said.