Gov’t to create 2, 586 jobs
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe | Monday March 4, 2024 06:00
In his Committee of Supply speech, he said: “The demand for government delivery continues to grow; a total of 2, 586 positions costing P486, 681, 036 have been considered to be created from existing allocated ceilings as well as rationalisation of vacancies across the public service.”
He, however, said this is against the backdrop of the unfavourable economic outlook, which has caused zero growth in the 2024/2025 financial year. Currently, the unemployment rate is at 25.9% and it is regarded as one of the reasons which keep young people from the registration and polling stations.
Recently, the Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame, proposed an expansionary budget indicating that it will “create opportunities for all to play a meaningful role and contribute to economic transformation.” This year, the minister announced a big budget, which will see government spending growing to P102 billion from last year’s P88.8 billion. Morwaeng indicated that these positions are to facilitate the process of the aligning Botswana government’s machinery to the Presidential Agenda and ensure that the national transformation agenda will be embodied in the public service of the day.
He said this has come with significant government reforms in all public institutions. Government has just completed the rationalisation of Ministries/Departments and Agencies (MDAs) portfolios and mandates and the approved structures are being implemented. For his ministry, he said this has necessitated amongst others, the creation of 33 District Commissioner positions to bring efficient coordination of government services across the nation. Under the Directorate of Public Service Management (DPSM), the minister requested a total of P53.2 million.
“The projects that are earmarked are as follows: Development of a strategic workforce planning and roadmap for the Botswana Public Service, infrastructure development for the Assessment and Development Centre, Oracle Human Capital management upgrade and enhancement, and restructuring exercise of various ministries and departments,” he said. On different issues, the minister said Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are a steadily rising public health threat compounded by lifestyle choices that include; physical inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, excessive use of alcohol and tobacco, among others. “Government is concerned about these trends and will undertake an aggressive dissemination of information to targeted populations. NAHPA has partnered with the Ministry of Health to commence the process of integration with a view to providing a holistic approach to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and NCDs. Both organisations have also commenced preparations for conducting the third Stepwise Approach to NCD risk factor surveillance,” Morwaeng revealed.
He said the survey instrument covers key behavioural risk factors of tobacco use, alcohol use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, as well as key biological risk factors, which include overweight and obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, and abnormal blood lipids.
Furthermore, he said the survey will also cover mental health concerns following the COVID-19 aftermaths. In addition, he said government recognises the critical role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as key partners in delivering health services. He said NAHPA is in the process of developing social contracting guidelines, which will enhance the way funding is provided to CSOs thereby ensuring transparency and financial accountability.
However, under this programme, the minister said P161.1 million is required to continue with various activities as follows; Epidemiology Research, Strengthening TB and HIV AIDS Interventions, Country Coordinating Mechanism Funding, Facility Testing, National Health Lab, Strategic Information, Care and Treatment Retention, Non-Citizens Treatment, Faith and Communities Initiative, Dreams, Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Administration and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Scale up.