
Glotto kickstarts Mr Price internship

Glotto was founded and creatively directed by Mboko Basiami
Glotto was founded and creatively directed by Mboko Basiami

Glotto is a sustainable clothing brand that produces Afrocentric unisex garments proudly made in Botswana.

Founded and creatively directed by Mboko Basiami, Glotto focuses on blending contemporary fashion with traditional African aesthetics. In an interview with Showtime, Basiami said the Mr Price Internship is an initiative aimed at nurturing and promoting young fashion designers in the region.

She explained that they won the competition shortly after successfully showcasing in the New York Fashion Week 'Winning the Fashion Without Borders Botswana competition validated the hard work and creativity we put into our designs but also opened up incredible opportunities for professional growth.

The prize included an internship with Mr Price, one of Africa’s largest clothing retailers, which offered invaluable exposure to the inner workings of a major fashion brand and the retail industry. The internship at Mr Price has been an eye-opener and enriching experience. Being in Durban, South Africa, for this programme has allowed me to immerse myself in a fast-paced retail environment, learning from some of the best in the industry.

The team at Mr Price has been incredibly supportive and eager to share their knowledge. Glotto has plans to expand its presence regionally and move from batch to mass production, so everything learnt will aid in that ambition,' Basiami said. She further said she learned a great deal about retail operations, mass production, supply chain management, trend analytics, the importance of a well rounded workforce team and various means of sourcing in fashion. Basiami added that those insights were invaluable, and she plans to integrate them into Glotto's operations to enhance efficiency, scale production, whilst maintaining sustainability. She added that understanding the intricacies of the fashion business will help Glotto grow both locally and internationally. She started the internship in May 2024 at Durban, South Africa, at the Mr Price headquarters. She said the programme spans three weeks, providing an intensive, hands-on learning experience. 'The internship will significantly benefit Glotto by equipping me with the knowledge and skills needed to streamline our production processes and expand our market reach.

The exposure to mass production techniques will allow us to scale up while maintaining our commitment to eco-friendly fashion. Additionally, the connections made during this period will help forge new partnerships and collaborations,' she said. Speaking of challenges she encountered, Basiami pointed out that adapting to the fast-paced nature of a large-scale retail environment, which is quite different from the operations she is used to as well as the units traded weekly.

However, she said the challenge has been a valuable learning experience, teaching her to be more adaptable and efficient in managing larger production volumes and tighter deadlines. After the internship, she said she plans to implement the new strategies and techniques learned to improve Glotto’s production processes and expand product line. She added that they aim to increase their market presence both locally and internationally, leveraging the knowledge gained from Mr Price to enhance their business model. He also said they would also continue to focus on sustainability and innovation, ensuring that Glotto remains at the forefront of African fashion.

'This internship has reaffirmed my belief in the potential of African fashion to compete on a global scale. It has shown me that with the right skills and knowledge, we can elevate local brands to international standards. I am grateful to Fashion Without Borders and Mr Price for this incredible opportunity and I am excited to bring back what I have learned to Botswana. Glotto is committed to showcasing the rich culture and creativity of Botswana through our designs, and this experience will undoubtedly propel us to new heights. Thank you for your continued support and interest in Glotto's journey,' she stated.