
Your vote matters

This period, running from May 20 to 31 2024, is crucial for those who have not yet registered to vote. This announcement comes in response to a significant shortfall in registered voters following the recent registration period. As it stands, only 62% of the target number of voters registered, leaving a considerable gap.

With Botswana's general elections scheduled for October, every eligible citizen needs to register and exercise their democratic right to vote. The IEC's decision to open a supplementary registration period for just 11 days highlights the urgency of the situation. If you are not yet registered, now is the time to act.

Voting is a fundamental part of our democratic process. It allows you to have a say in the future of our country and ensure that your voice is heard. By registering to vote, you are taking an active role in shaping Botswana's future. Your vote can influence key decisions that affect your daily life, from education and healthcare to employment and infrastructure.

Moreover, there is an ongoing constitutional amendment that may lead to a referendum. Such a referendum would be crucial for deciding on any proposed changes to the Constitution. Only those who are registered to vote will be able to participate in this referendum. This makes it even more important to ensure that you are registered, so you can take part in all aspects of our democratic process.

We call upon political parties, community leaders, and all stakeholders to encourage eligible citizens to register. Each vote counts and the participation of every eligible voter is vital for a representative and fair election. Community engagement and active promotion of voter registration can help bridge the current shortfall and ensure a robust voter turnout in October.

The recent attempt to increase voter registration was not as successful as hoped, with only 38% of the target number achieved. This shortfall is a clear indication that more effort is needed. The limited timeframe of the new supplementary registration period makes it even more imperative for everyone to act swiftly.

If you are already registered, consider reaching out to friends, family, and neighbours to ensure they are registered too. Share the importance of this civic duty and the impact it can have on our society. For those who are eligible but have not yet registered, make the effort to do so within the given period.

The future of Botswana lies in our hands, and through voting, we have the power to influence it. Let's all take this opportunity to ensure our voices are heard.

Together, let's work towards a future where every eligible voter participates in the democratic process. Your vote is your voice—make sure it is heard. Register now and be part of shaping the future of Botswana.