
Entrepreneurs urged to trade innovatively, sustainably


The Minister of Agriculture, Fidelis Molao, made the clarion call here last week Thursday when giving a keynote address at the 28th Business Botswana Northern Trade Fair (BBNTF) held under the theme, ‘Sustainable Innovation: Building a Greener Tomorrow.’ “As we gather here today under this theme, we embark on a journey of discovery, collaboration, and action towards a more sustainable future for generations to come. In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, the imperative for sustainable innovation has never been clearer,” he told the gathering.

“Climate change, resource depletion, and pollution demand urgent attention and decisive action. However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity—a chance to harness human ingenuity, creativity, and technology to forge a path towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Sustainable innovation is crucial for building a greener tomorrow,” he added.

As the planet faces increasing environmental challenges, the minister noted, it is essential to prioritise sustainable practices and technologies in order to mitigate the impact of climate change, reduce pollution and preserve our natural resources for future generations. “Collaboration between governments and businesses is essential in driving sustainable innovation forward. By working together, we can accelerate the development and adoption of sustainable technologies and create green jobs that contribute to preserving and restoring the environment.

“The government is proud to have Batswana innovators here today, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and stakeholders from across industries to showcase their cutting-edge initiatives, products, and solutions that prioritise sustainability. From renewable energy technologies to eco-friendly products, from circular economy models to sustainable agriculture, each exhibitor represents a beacon of hope in our collective quest for a greener tomorrow in our country as envisioned in our Vision 2036,” he said. Molao added: “In fact, we can say it is envisioned globally through the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Pillar 3, which speaks to having a sustainable environment, ensuring sustainable and optimal use of natural resources to transform the economy and uplift the livelihoods of Batswana.

This is also aligned to the global agenda for sustainable development and the principles of the Africa Agenda 2063.” It is vital to note, Molao went on, that sustainable innovation is not just about developing new technologies or products; it is about fundamentally reimagining systems, processes, and mindsets as espoused by President Mokgweetsi Masisi. In his remarks, the president of Business Botswana (BB), Neo Nwako, said the fair’s theme highlights their commitment to harnessing the untapped potential of the vibrant and dynamic northern region while prioritising environmental sustainability.

“It is imperative to recognise that in the pursuit of profit, we must not neglect our responsibility to care for the environment, which is rapidly deteriorating due to business activities. Therefore, our current objective is to foster business ideas that are environmentally friendly and contribute positively to our shared future... Allow me to reiterate our dedication to advocating for a business-friendly environment that will foster sustainable and lasting relationships amongst all stakeholders both locally, and nationally. We will continue partnering with the Francistown leadership to amplify economic growth in the region,” said Nwako.

The BBNTF is an initiative whose primary objective is to bring together businesses from across sectors to enhance not only their business and trading skills, but also to provide a platform for them to market themselves to optimise growth opportunities through innovative solutions.