
KAZA unveils new marketing brand

Sunset cruise: The Chobe River’s beauty is an enduring visual spectacle. The entire KAZA region, with its wetlands and abundant species, is a renowned global wonder
Sunset cruise: The Chobe River’s beauty is an enduring visual spectacle. The entire KAZA region, with its wetlands and abundant species, is a renowned global wonder

The unveiling of the new tourism destination brand marks a pivotal moment in the region’s journey towards promoting conservation, sustainable tourism, and community empowerment in the respective TFCA components across the five partner countries – Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Spanning an area of approximately 520,000 square kilometres, the KAZA TFCA is the world’s largest terrestrial transfrontier conservation area. The new brand embodies the region’s rich biodiversity, iconic wildlife, vibrant cultures, and the life-giving rivers that connect it all.

“Today marks a defining moment for conservation and sustainable tourism in Africa,” says Dr. Nyambe Nyambe, Executive Director of the KAZA Secretariat.

“The ‘Rivers of Life’ brand embodies our unwavering commitment to preserving the extraordinary natural and cultural heritage of the Kavango Zambezi eco-region. It is an invitation to the world to join us on a transformative journey, where the power of unity and collaboration knows no boundaries.”

The new tourism destination brand, developed by The Journey Tourism Consultant and Management, encapsulates a unique value proposition: The Rivers of Life, rich in natural and cultural diversity to share with all who love wildlife without borders.

The visual identity of the new tourism destination brand features a graphic depiction of an elephant, a keystone species whose migratory nature highlights the need for transboundary collaboration among the five KAZA countries.

Encircling the elephant are dynamic brushstrokes in bold colours – yellow, red, blue, and green – representing the rivers, landscapes, and the vibrant cultures of the KAZA eco-region. Each colour has been carefully chosen to convey a specific aspect of Kavango Zambezi – from the warmth and energy of the African sun and its beautiful sunrises and sunsets to the blue lifeblood of the TFCA, the mighty rivers that sustain wildlife and communities, and the lush green vegetation.

A brand forged

through collaboration

The development of the new Kavango Zambezi destination brand has been inclusive and participatory.

The brand launch event was graced by the presence of high-level leadership representatives from all five partner countries, underscoring the strong political commitment to this initiative. Also in attendance were key stakeholders from the tourism industry, conservation organisations, donor agencies, and local community representatives, reflecting the multi-sectoral and collaborative spirit of partnership that birthed the Kavango Zambezi “Rivers of Life” tourism destination brand.

“The journey to this momentous day has been one of extensive consultation, collaboration, and co-creation. Over the past year, we have engaged with a wide spectrum of stakeholders – from government representatives and conservation experts to tourism operators and local community leaders - across all five partner countries. This inclusive approach has ensured that our new brand is a true reflection of the shared values, aspirations, and unique attributes of the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area,” explains Dr Nyambe.

The new brand represents a bold vision for the future: To see Kavango Zambezi as a well-known and valued tourism destination actively promoted by the tourism trade and appreciated by local stakeholders who can measurably see the benefits of both conservation and tourism.

To achieve this vision will require the KAZA Secretariat to follow the five governments’ lead in implementing strategies for ease of access and collaborate with the tourism trade both locally and internationally.

This collaboration will be required to promote awareness of Kavango|Zambezi, develop special interest products, design routes that promote cross-border travel and extend duration of visits and provide easily accessible information.

The KAZA Secretariat will also actively seek to ensure the inclusion of local communities, ensure that sustainable conservation, including consumptive use of resources, is appreciated, promote the ideals of eco-tourism as well as make a conscious contribution to combatting climate change.

“Our new brand is an open invitation to the world to experience the wonders of the Kavango Zambezi landscape,” says Dr. Nyambe.

“By visiting Kavango Zambezi, travellers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the raw beauty of the African wilderness while contributing directly to conservation efforts and the well-being of the communities who call this landscape home.”

A new chapter begins

In the coming months, the Kavango Zambezi “Rivers of Life” brand will be rolled out across various platforms, including brand workshops, social media, and marketing materials. The KAZA Secretariat will work closely with partner organisations to integrate the new brand into their communications and marketing efforts, ensuring a coordinated and impactful brand presence.

As the KAZA TFCA embarks on this new chapter, the organisation remains committed to its core values of conservation, cooperation, and community empowerment. With its new brand as a catalyst, KAZA TFCA further enhances its stature as a leading model for sustainable development in Africa, demonstrating that thriving wildlife, resilient communities, and responsible tourism can coexist in harmony.

*The Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area is the world’s largest terrestrial trans frontier conservation area, spanning five southern African countries – Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Established in 2011, KAZA TFCA represents an ambitious vision for conservation, sustainable development, and regional integration. The KAZA Secretariat, formed under the KAZA Treaty, plays a vital role in coordinating and facilitating these efforts, working with a wide range of partners to achieve a shared vision for a thriving and resilient KAZA landscape.

(KAZA Secretariat)