
Respect public institutions Mr Pres

Leaders must uphold the rule of law and ensure justice, but Masisi’s remarks raise serious concerns on the separation of powers and the independence of the justice system.

Masisi’s claim that he personally instructed authorities not to handcuff Khama, regardless of the legal circumstances, undermines the principles of justice and equality before the law.

As Head of State, Masisi should respect the judicial process and avoid interfering in specific cases. His comments could suggest a disregard for due process and the rights of all citizens, regardless of their status.

By publicly revealing his intervention in Khama’s case, Masisi implies that he can influence law enforcement and judicial decisions. Such statements erode public trust in the justice system, as citizens may perceive that political considerations override legal ones.

The independence of the Judiciary is a cornerstone of any democratic society, and any attempt to compromise it undermines the very fabric of the country’s constitutional order.

Leadership comes with responsibilities, including respecting the institutions that uphold justice. Masisi’s duty is to ensure that the justice system operates independently, free from political interference.

His comments risk creating an environment where selective treatment based on political affiliations becomes acceptable. This is not only unjust but also damages the credibility of our legal institutions.

President Masisi had an opportunity to demonstrate his commitment to justice by allowing the legal process to unfold without interference. Instead, he chose to emphasise his personal stance, potentially influencing law enforcement officers and judicial officials. In doing so, he missed a chance to break the cycle of political interference in Botswana’s justice system.

Justice is not served by executive directives or political pressure. It is served through impartial investigations, fair trials, and adherence to the rule of law. President Masisi should reconsider his approach and recognise that justice cannot be compromised for political expediency. As Botswana continues its journey towards progress and democracy, preserving the integrity of our justice system is paramount.

President Masisi’s reckless utterances risk undermining the very foundations of justice. We call on him to respect the independence of the Judiciary, uphold the rule of law, and allow justice to prevail without interference.

‘Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.’

– Franklin D. Roosevelt