
BFA constitution could be declared null and void

home of botswana football: nLekidi offices PIC- PHATSIMO KAPENG
home of botswana football: nLekidi offices PIC- PHATSIMO KAPENG

Ofentse Gojamang of the Registrar of Societies wrote a letter to the BFA CEO on Monday, asking the BFA to "demonstrate" that the constitution was not illegally altered in 2021. "We are in receipt of a complaint from some of your members who also state to be participants/delegates in all the general assemblies of the Botswana Football Association (BFA) supreme body, indicating that your constitution dated 25th June 2021, stamped by the Registrar of Societies carries a number of changes that were never discussed and voted upon at the Botswana Football Association General Assembly," the letter reads.

"This therefore means that in their view, the constitution was amended without following due process and [as] such unlawful and somewhat fraudulent. This communication therefore serves to request that you demonstrate that the constitution was constitutionally and lawfully amended, failing which the constitution will be null and void," Gojamang said.