
Bridging fashion and Hip Hop

Maimbo Ndeke, popularly kmown as Hippy Bambino
Maimbo Ndeke, popularly kmown as Hippy Bambino

Founded just two years ago, Bambino says KARMA has quickly become a symbol of luxury and style for the youth, blending simplicity with outstanding aesthetics. "I wanted to do something beyond clothing that could benefit others in the industry. My reach in fashion and graphic design naturally led me to explore creative direction in music, collaborating with artists like Ban-T and Veezo View on projects like OTV 2," shared Bambino in an exclusive interview with Arts&Culture. Bambino said the latest venture for KARMA is a groundbreaking album project titled, Republic of KARMA, set to be released on August 2, uniting various local artists under the banner of Botswana’s first full-length Hip Hop album curated by a clothing brand. "Fashion and Hip Hop co-exist naturally; the vibe of the album is classic Hip Hop, unfiltered, and aiming for the top spot," Bambino explained.

Furthermore, Bambino alluded that the collaboration is not just about music as he said it is a statement about unity and breaking down barriers within the industry. "We want to break the gate keeping mentality and inspire artists to believe they can compete on a global scale; it is about taking over, not just participating," he emphasised. Central to this ambitious project is Fella, an award-winning producer. Bambino remarked that Fella's passion for cultural expression aligns perfectly with his vision. "Fella and I clicked instantly; we are not waiting for opportunities, we are creating them. This project is about pushing boundaries and proving ourselves at the highest level," Bambino remarked.

However, Bambino said the journey has not been without its challenges. "Some artists took longer to submit content, reflecting deeper issues within our Hip Hop community. But we are here to drive change and elevate the standard," Bambino reflected. He said for KARMA, this album represents more than just music. He said it is an extension of their brand’s fearless identity. "We control the narrative; we are here to stay, not just seeking temporary attention. Our aim is to inspire other brands and musicians to step up and demand attention," he said.

Looking ahead, Bambino said he envisions the album as a blueprint for future collaborations between artists and corporates. "Music has immense power. This album sets the stage for impactful partnerships that can shape the cultural landscape," Bambino highlighted. Ultimately, Bambino said success for him is seeing every creative involved gain recognition and commercial success. "If this project can propel artists to greater heights, then we have achieved our goal. It’s about uplifting our community and bringing attention to the burgeoning clothing scene here in Botswana," he remarked.