
Petition against Presidents benefits bill deferred


State President minister, Kabo Morwaeng, had gazetted three bills which are: Presidents (Pensions and Retirement Benefits) (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (Bill No. 12 of 2024); Former Vice-Presidents (Pensions and Retirement Benefits) Bill, 2024 (Bill No. 13 of 2024); and Ministers and National Assembly Gratuities and Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2024 (Bill No. 14 of 2024).

The bills were met with rejection by the general public and with some quarters of the society planning demonstrations against these bills.

Members of the opposition, civil society, labour movement, academics, media, youth and women's groups had planned to march and petition the State Presidency to pressurise the Executive to withdraw the bill, which amongst others, aims at improving the benefits of presidents, former presidents, and their immediate family members.

Although Morwaeng couldn't wait for the reconvening of Parliament this week to withdraw the three bills, the petition organisers were also forced to defer the demonstration after consultations with stakeholders.

'After thorough consultation with members of the petition organising committee and Party Leadership, we have decided to defer not postpone the march/petition to a later date before the end of the current parliamentary session. We shouldn't shy away to put it out there that the bill was postponed because of the pressure of the planned nationwide demonstrations ...on top of that the police rejected the permit on Friday,' read a statement from the organisers of the demonstration.

The organisers further implored all UDC candidates to be in the frontline of these mass demonstrations after the date has been secured.

'We should show our voters that we are ready to take the bullet on their behalf,' read the statement.

The bills were withdrawn due to public pressure after they were introduced to provide improved benefits for former presidents and vice presidents.

Minister Morwaeng was forced to make a statement on the national broadcaster, BTV on Saturday night announcing that they had heard the outcry of the public through newspapers, radio stations, and social media platforms.

Amendment Bill No. 12 of 2024 states that children of presidents should benefit from presidents’ pensions and retirement benefits. “The object of the Bill is to amend Section 2 of the Presidents (Pensions and Retirements Benefits) by inserting the definition of dependent child in the section,” reads the Bill. The Bill further suggests that spouses of former presidents should also benefit from the president’s pensions and retirement benefits post-presidency.

Further, it alludes that even if the former president passes on, their children and partners should continue receiving the welfare from the retirement benefits. “Amend Section 3 of the Act to specify the benefits of the spouse of a person who has held the Office of the President. Section 4 of the Act such that a dependent child of a person who has held the Office of the President is able to benefit in their own right, and not just when the surviving spouse dies,” reads the Bill. Finally, the Bill suggests that upon retirement, the person who has held the Office of the President should be given six cars including one for their spouse. While the UDC has welcomed the decision to withdraw the Bills, it says this is because the ruling Botswana Democratic Party top brass have been caught with their fingers in the till.