
Manufacturing key to economic diversification – Masisi


Speaking at the second edition of the local manufacturing summit organised by the Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) last week, President Mokgweetsi Masisi hailed the industry as one of the sectors that are key to the country's economic diversification and growth. “Our manufacturing sector must deliver for Botswana the results enjoyed by other successful manufacturing economies,” he stated, underlining the sector’s strategic importance in job creation and economic growth. Masisi drew parallels between Botswana’s aspirations and the success stories of the “Asian Tigers,” economies that experienced rapid growth through robust manufacturing sectors. He stressed that Botswana must harness the potential of manufacturing to not only reduce her import bill but also position herself as an export-driven economy.

The President assured stakeholders of the government’s commitment to fostering a business-friendly environment that supports the growth of the manufacturing sector. He announced plans to establish a high-level Botswana Economic Development Board, which he will chair, to eliminate bureaucratic hurdles that impede business operations. This move is part of a broader national strategy to enhance productivity and ensure that Botswana remains competitive on the global stage. Highlighting the necessity of raising productivity levels, Masisi called on local manufacturing firms to strive for international competitiveness. “We must make some sacrifices and change the way we do business to reach our Vision 2036 goal of becoming a high-income nation,” he said.

The emphasis was clear: Botswana’s manufacturing sector must produce world-class goods and services to achieve the high economic growth rates required to meet the ambitious targets set out in Vision 2036. Masisi further acknowledged the historical significance of the mining sector in Botswana’s economic rise but stressed the urgent need to diversify the economy to overcome the current socio-economic challenges, including unemployment, poverty, and inequality. The summit, themed ”Shaping the Future of Botswana’s Manufacturing Sector: Growth, Diversification, and Job Creation,” provided a platform for critical discussions on the future trajectory of Botswana’s manufacturing industry.