

Bullish Shakshuka A week or two ago, I dropped in by my friend at Perfectionate Aesthetic Spa for a quick meeting. See, we’re hosting a Ready, Set, Slow Down session following the successful #WEB24.
Bullish Shakshuka A week or two ago, I dropped in by my friend at Perfectionate Aesthetic Spa for a quick meeting. See, we’re hosting a Ready, Set, Slow Down session following the successful #WEB24.

The aim of the session is to intentionally close out the noise and in true brunch fashion get some personal development underway. Part of the beautiful thing about being at the spa is how conversations just unravel, be it between clients and nail technicians or clients who are meeting for the first time. There is something therapeutic about getting treatments done. I found myself part of a conversation where we spoke about how necessary it is to slow down and rest, yet it often is hard to do. I agree time management is important and that we all have the same number of hours in a day, but let’s be honest, our situations differ so much that it can’t always be as easy. I have been recently feeling Burnt Out, and as we spoke one of the things I shared was that I was feeling close to burning out, I took a pause and added that I’m probably already well on my way if I can make such a statement.

ChellzKitchen is so demanding, it is definitely one of the many hats I wear that can get a little stressful. Content creation is not as easy as it looks, from conceptualising, execution (cooking or writing) editing and post production. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do and I am grateful for all the opportunities before me. On days where I cook multiple dishes, I easily get so worn out that I am likely to avoid being in the kitchen again for two days. This my friends is when hacks like the New Bull Brand Meals come in handy. Ready to Eat, Heat and Eat. I can confidently be assured that Leboko can make a meal for his brother Shalo and Dad. I encourage you to go out and purchase some Bull Brand Meals for days were you just don’t have it in you to make a meal from scratch. If you visit our ChellzKitchen Facebook you can discover some more ideas of how to use the Bull Brand Meals and how you CAN win cash money from buying any two cans from the available four. Flavours include Curry, Bolognese, Savoury and the people’s favourite Chillie. There is a nasty flu making the rounds, keep hydrated and most importantly, prioritise rest!

Shakshuka INGREDIENTS 1 white onion – finely chopped. 1 tbsp oil. 1 tbsp Hinds paprika. 1 tbsp Sugar 1 can Bull Brand Savoury mince. 1 can Rhodes Tomatoes. 4 eggs 2 tsp. Green onion – optional. 1 slice of toast – optional. INSTRUCTIONS In a frying pan, fry the onion in the oil. Add the paprika, sugar and the Bull Brand Savoury mince. Gently fry for three minutes Add the tinned tomatoes and allow to simmer for 10 minutes until it has slightly thickened. Season with Salt and Pepper. Crack the four eggs straight into the tomato mixture and cover the pan until the eggs have cooked through to a medium stage Remove from the stove top, garnish, serve with a slice of toast (optional) and enjoy.