





In fulfilment of Section 7, Subsection 2 (a) of the Environmental Assessment Act (Cap. 65:07), notice is hereby given of intent to undertake public meetings as part of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the proposed base metals exploration within in the Boteti and Tutume Districts of Botswana.

Project description

Tutume Metals Proprietary Limited (‘Tutume Metals’ or ‘Proponent’) proposes to undertake base metals exploration activities within the Tutume, Boteti, Chobe and North West Districts of Botswana (the ‘Magondi Belt Exploration’ or ‘Project’). The Proponent has acquired thirteen prospecting licenses from the Department of Mines: PL0018/2023, PL0019/2023, PL0020/2023, PL0021/2023, PL0022/2023 (near Gweta), PL0023/2023 (near Rakops), PL2422/2023, PL2423/2023, PL2424/2023 (near Phuduhudu), PL2425/2023, PL2426/2023, PL2427/2023 and PL2428/2023 (near Maitenngwe). As part of the project planning activities, a detailed ESIA study will be undertaken for the proposed project.


The Project will be undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 will be non-intrusive ground geophysical work and Phase 2 will be exploration drilling.

The ground geophysical work involves setting up magnetotelluric (‘MT’) stations at 585 sampling sites. MT stations are small, lightweight equipment that is placed at the sampling site for a 24- to 48-hour period. No vegetation or ground clearance is required. The results from the geophysical work will inform the exploration drilling program.

It is anticipated that up to ten (10) exploration holes at average depths between 300m and 1,000m (a total range of 3,000m to 6,000m) will be drilled within the project tenures. The diamond core drilling method will be employed. Samples will be collected and used for further off-site analysis.

A temporary drillers’ camp will be set up for use during the exploration activities and it will include accommodation of staff, equipment and supplies storage, and maintenance area. These will likely be established within the target areas of the prospecting licenses.

Anticipated positive impacts related to the project include temporary employment creation, entrepreneurial opportunities for local businesses and a better understanding of geological conditions and metal deposits which could lead to a future mine development (subject to separate assessments).

Anticipated negative impacts include minimal vegetation removal, noise pollution, dust production, temporary disturbance of fauna and livestock in the areas, groundwater use (for drilling water) and waste generation in small quantities.

The public and interested/affected parties are invited to attend public meetings scheduled as follows:

1. Gweta kgotla 10th September 2024 0800 hours

2. Phuduhudu kgotla 10th September 2024 1100 hours

3. Tsokatshaa kgotla 11th September 2024 0800 hours

4. Zoroga kgotla 11th September 2024 1100 hours

5. Maitenngwe kgotla 13th September 2024 0900 hours

6. Rakops kgotla 17th September 2024 0800 hours

7. Xere kgotla 17th September 2024 1100 hours

8. Xhumo kgotla 18th September 2024 0800 hours

9. Mmadikola kgotla 18th September 2024 1100 hours

10. Toromoja kgotla 19th September 2024 0900 hours

The purpose of these meetings is to discuss the features of this project and record any comments, questions, or information given by the public, as well as Interested and Affected Parties (IAPs), so that they can be considered in the assessment.

For any queries or comments regarding the proposed project, or to request further information, please contact:

Loci Environmental Pty (Ltd)

Tel (+267) 3930538

Postal Address: P.O. Box 2749 Gaborone
