
MMG Khoemacau


MMG Khoemacau marks 100-day

integration milestone

MMG Khoemacau recently marked a 100-day integration milestone, following the completion of the acquisition of the parent company of Khoemacau mine on 22 March 2024. Khoemacau is one of the highest quality new copper mines globally and aligns to MMG’s vision of creating a leading international mining company for a low carbon future. The acquisition expands the company’s interests in copper, a commodity with robust forward demand given its importance to global decarbonisation efforts. The copper mine, as part of

MMG’s broader portfolio, is expected to create meaningful long-term value and create wealth for its people, shareholders and host communities.

MMG CEO Cao Liang, remarked:

“We are very pleased that the Khoemacau operation is now part of MMG. We thank the Government, local community and our Khoemacau team for their support in making this acquisition a success. Importantly the team has continued to safely operate the mine in line with our MMG values and been fully supportive of the integration effort,”

“We look forward to the next successful chapter of the Khoemacau story as we work to deliver the expansion of this asset alongside our people, the Government and local stakeholders.”

Key highlights post the acquisition completion:

• A completion ceremony was hosted with dignitaries from the Government, members of the community, and employees in attendance and enjoyed by all.

• MMG team members recently participated in Kgotlas (a traditional community council) in Somelo, Toteng, Sehithwa, Makgalo and Komana. They also met with landowners of farms adjacent to the mine, the Lake Ngami Conservation Trust and the North West District

Council. The team look forward to working side by side with local communities to build on existing relationships and social development initiatives.

• A Khoemacau Joint Venture agreement (May 2024) with CNIC Corporation Limited was finalised, which aims to improve MMG’s balance sheet flexibility and liquidity going forward, establishing a strong platform for future growth.

• For the second quarter of 2024, Khoemacau had a Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) of 1.24 per million hours worked, with zero High Potential Injuries. The team’s focus is on enhancing safety performance through continuous improvements, particularly around

risk management.

• Khoemacau produced 8,907 tonnes of copper, in its first

• full quarter of production following the acquisition. Focus has now turned to supporting the ramp-up of Khoemacau to achieve annual production of +60,000 tonnes of copper metal by 2026, facilitated by ongoing mining development efforts to increase mining fronts, which in turn create operational flexibility and selectivity in mined grades. Works are also underway to complete the Primary Vent Fans as well as the paste fill project, which will enhance the sites’ ability to deliver its production projections.

About MMG

Founded in 2009, MMG’s vision is to create a leading international mining company for a low carbon future. The company is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and Beijing, China and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX1208). MMG’s portfolio

supports copper, zinc and cobalt production – products that are critical to achieving global decarbonisation and electrification targets. With operations in Australia, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Peru.

About Khoemacau

Khoemacau is a high-quality operating mine with a strong expansion case, located in one of the most prospective mining regions in Africa, the Kalahari Copper Belt, in Botswana. The Khoemacau Mine is a large, long-life copper mine located in northwest Botswana, in the emerging Kalahari Copperbelt. The tenement package hosts the tenth largest African copper mineral resource by total contained copper metal and is one of the largest copper sedimentary systems in the world outside of the Central

African Copperbelt.

MMG is committed to completing the construction of an expansion project by 2028, which aims to increase production capacity to 130,000 tonnes of copper in copper concentrate. It is expected to reach full capacity by 2029.

Media enquiries

Felicity Watson

0408 108 516

Boikobo Paya

00267 776 00004