
G.R.I.T builds entrepreneurial resilience

GRIT participants at a recent meeting
GRIT participants at a recent meeting

According to directors, the current phase of the programme brings innovation and skills development to 500 local retailers and in the process helping them navigate the evolving retail landscape. G.R.I.T Managing Director, Carlos Bernitt, emphasised that the initiative is more than a business training, but also it builds resilience within communities by supporting the backbone of small retailers, who are local economies. “Our vision is to empower retailers not just to grow their businesses but to uplift their communities,” Bernitt said. The programme provides practical training in financial management, marketing strategies and legal compliance. It also ensures that participants are better equipped to weather economic storms and the knowledge, Bernitt noted, gives these retailers the ability to not only stay afloat but also to thrive. In addition to in-person training for 300 retailers, the introduction of a mobile app this year allows 200 more to access the programme remotely. The digital expansion has been hailed as a game-changer, ensuring that even retailers in remote areas or with time constraints can benefit from the same high-quality training.

Director of Economic Empowerment at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, Ronnie Phuthego, stressed the broader impact of empowering retailers. “When these businesses succeed, they create jobs, improve livelihoods, and contribute to reducing poverty in their communities,” he remarked, adding that G.R.I.T. aligns with the ministry’s goal of fostering economic resilience across Botswana. It has been noted that with Botswana’s economic challenges and changing market conditions, initiatives like G.R.I.T. are vital for marketing strategies, and legal compliance, while ensuring that participants are better equipped to weather economic storms. This knowledge, Bernitt noted, gives these retailers the ability to not only stay afloat but thrive and ensure long-term sustainability for small businesses by providing practical training in financial management.