
Acute Global to participate at Africa Wealth Summit

Making moves: Elliot Moshoke PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO
Making moves: Elliot Moshoke PIC MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The summit is an exclusive gathering of private investors, family-owned businesses, and wealth owners from Africa, the Gulf region, and India. It is a two-day event focused on education, peer-to-peer insights, investment opportunities, and high-level networking.

The summit provides a space for wealth owners to gain new perspectives, find innovative solutions, and connect with a network of like-minded individuals. Specifically designed for family wealth owners across continents, the event offers a setting that facilitates private and in-depth discussions on wealth preservation and growth.

The Africa Wealth Summit emphasises the importance of wealth management education through a blend of expert-led masterclasses and personal stories from influential wealth owners and family business leaders. Through these sessions, participants gain clarity on their personal and business goals, prepare for effective partnerships with advisors, and empower themselves to make informed decisions aligned with their values.

Acute Global, under the leadership of Elliot Moshoke, will bring a unique perspective on investment from Botswana, contributing insights tailored to the African investment landscape. Moshoke’s involvement underscores Botswana’s growing role in wealth management and highlights opportunities in emerging African markets.

Focused on family-owned enterprises, the summit offers practical advice whilst fostering an environment where wealth owners can learn directly from each other. By sharing real-life success stories and challenges, the event supports participants in exploring wealth management strategies that are essential for long-term growth and success, solidifying Africa’s position as a powerful player in global investment circles.