TSM and its self-disrespected policies

It is even known that the Minster of Education changed the advertisement of the post and waived the requirements to cater for this particular head because he had personally phoned and promised him the post as a party activist. Events like this one do not promote the spirit of competition, hard work let alone productivity.

If indeed the head was promoted because of alleged good academic performance, why his teachers cannot be promoted to senior schools as well irrespective of their qualifications is a proof of favouritism? Are we to believe that efforts of us teachers are not recognised to an extent that we need not to be promoted with our diplomas to teach in senior schools?

The policies of advertising posts of responsibilities and choosing the best has for TSM turned into opportunities to reward the Minister and the Director's BDP loyalists. Teachers are aware and have resorted to be lip-tight to avoid being victimised. Some close female 'friends' of the director have also been promoted under dubious circumstances to sensory schools in Towns of their choices. What exactly has happened to the boss' professionalism? What should we expect from the teachers?

Here is a Head with a diploma who is denied to teach or does not qualify to teach in a senior school but he is suddenly qualified to head the people with degrees and masters of the same schools.

I propose that TSM removes the issue of level of operation for school from primary to tertiary with immediate effect, so that we can have people with certificates heading tertiary institutions.

All in all, the contents of this letter show how much teachers are taken for granted, working under unprofessional regimes, and need the intervention of the public, civic societies, stakeholders and any other parties that are interested in providing quality education for the pupils of Botswana.

Please Radibe, do not give up voicing our pathetic situation, as you have already faced the wrath of liberating us. One wonders how many teachers and school heads are likely to resign before the Minister and the Director's (TSM) regime to change their nocturnal behaviour.

More corruption is still to be reported on transfers for teachers alleged to have overstayed than others have especially those not in good books of the boss.

Gagobotswe Seolo
(Frustrated teacher)