
These defections smack of prostitution

It is only a few weeks before that happens, and aspiring candidates have expressed their interest to contest the elections. In Francistown West, there is a looming by-election following the death of long time MP, Tshelang Masisi.

Incumbent Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) councillor, Ignatius Moswaane, has won the weekend primary elections to make a bid to replace Masisi. The Botswana Congress Party (BCP) will conduct its internal elections this weekend to decide who will face the BDP's Moswaane.

The Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) is still to decide who will represent it. Francistown West has been allocated to the Botswana Peoples Party (BPP) that is taking its time to decide its candidate. Until last week, it had been rumoured that Councillor Raoboy Mpuang would be the one to represent the UDC.

This had brought confusion within Umbrella ranks and the leadership was forced to make it clear that the BPP would represent the UDC. But over the weekend, the nation woke up to news of defection by two Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) councillors, Mpuang and Joyce Ndove. The latter is currently Francistown's deputy mayor.

Unconfirmed reports are that many BMD councillors north of Dibete are likely to retrace their steps to the BDP, that juggernaut that will not rest until the opposition, especially the BMD, is no more. This is a pledge made by the Chairman of the BDP, Guma Moyo, after he was elected to the seat last winter in Maun.

Whether Moyo will achieve his stated ambition is yet to be seen, but what is clear is that most the defections are not motivated by principle. Hence the jumping from one party to another usually smacks of political prostitution. Who cannot forget the defection of Tsamaya councillor, Reginald Mudongo, from the BMD to rejoin the BDP only to retreat to the BMD a few hours later? His constituents are yet to know what motivated the political prostitution of a man now being rumoured to be contemplating rejoining the BDP. Time will tell if this serial defector will jump ship for the umpteenth time. BCP councillor in South East South, Molemi Rakgomo, also committed political prostitution recently. After resigning from the BCP to join the Botswana National Front (BNF), he beat a hasty retreat a few weeks later.

Whatever 'reasons' may be put forward for this party hopping, the truth is that the motives are redolent with dishonesty and sheer opportunism. The electorate is never consulted when the elected leaders cut deals with the Domkrag monolith. In fact, the electorate learns about these defections mainly from the media.

Sadly, by the look of things, until politicians respect the electorate, this prostitution will stay with us.  Hence we appeal to the electorate to treat defectors harshly during elections because they clearly do not deserve to represent anyone in any leadership position. They can only lead in song at funerals, and most of them are quite good at professional mourning.

Today's thought

'Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realise that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.' - Ronald Reagan