
Masisi joins BCP

Former Botswana chief trade diplomat James Masisi
Former Botswana chief trade diplomat James Masisi

Masisi told the media that on 28 August 2013, he took one of his best ever decisions, besides marrying his wife 37 years ago, by joining the BCP. He said the party is his first ever-political home and he took life membership.

Masisi said in the BCP he found people of the highest level of integrity.

'I also found people with a lot of love for this country,' he said.

He added that during his 30 plus years as a civil servant, he served Botswana with integrity.  'I will do the same for my party. I look forward to serving my party, my first party,' he said. Masisi joined the foreign service in 1994 and was recruited by the then Minister Dr Gaositwe Chiepe. His first posting was Hong Kong.  For his part, BCP President Dumelang Saleshando said they would exploit their latest catch's expertise.

He said Masisi has chosen the most difficult path - joining an opposition party. 'We are expanding a team of former technocrats,' said Saleshando with delight.