
Nigerians send feelers for BMC beef

BMC- Lagos State Government Commissioner Gbolahan Lawal leading the delegation during BMC visit PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE
BMC- Lagos State Government Commissioner Gbolahan Lawal leading the delegation during BMC visit PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE

He took them through a brief background of the beef industry and the challenges the sector is facing such as Foot and Mouth Disease, low throughput of the slaughter facility, and the European Union market.

The delegation was also scheduled to tour the plant but it was delayed due to an audit-taking place. They, however, toured the cannery  Although the details were sketchy at the time of going to press, the indication was that the delegation was seeking a meat deal with BMC, and the talks are still confidential.

So far, Mmegi has learnt that BMC is likely to export 80, 000 cans of Ecco beef per month to the Nigerian State, which will add to other countries in the SADc region who have shown great interest in the canned beef.

Spokesperson for BMC Tiro Kganela would not disclose the quantity of beef that is likely to be exported to Nigeria.

'We are in the drive for Botswana beef to find alternative markets for the benefit of the farmers here.

'What I can say is that the delegation was very impressed with the slaughter facility and the way BMC is being run,' Kganela said. An official from the Nigerian High Commission Lanrewaju Busari was confident that the arrival of the delegation is a good reflection that intra-Africa trade can take the continent forward.   He said that the High Commission held talks with the federal government, educating, and emphasising the need for intra-Africa trade. The Lagos State has a population of 22 million inhabitants and a local abattoir slaughters 5,000 cattle daily, far below the demand.

'This is the beginning of a long-term relationship that involves a lot of stakeholders and it will take time before we can know how much quantity is needed and when they will start trading.  'They came to see for themselves the facility and were not in a position to share with us the quantity of beef they intend to import.

'Other states have also shown interest in coming to Botswana,' he said.