
We gave Tshosane enough support - BFA

Easy decision, tough times: Sebego (left) says it was a slip of the tougue for Masters (right) to announce Tshosane's exit package PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE
Easy decision, tough times: Sebego (left) says it was a slip of the tougue for Masters (right) to announce Tshosane's exit package PIC: KAGISO ONKATSWITSE

The coach was fired Monday after five years at the helm. Sebego said the coach had a solid team to deliver, but results were not forthcoming. He said before they fired him, they tried to address issues such as the welfare of the players.

'There were other factors to be considered. I do not know if we took long to act.

We cannot blame the coach alone, so we had to consider other issues like the players welfare first,' he said. Sebego, who was accompanied by BFA chief executive officer Keith Masters, said the fault with Tshosane's contract was the absence of deliverables. He said in the new contract for the next coach, targets will be set.

Sebego absolved himself of any blame regarding Tshosane's contract, which was drafted during his tenure as the association's legal advisor. 'I only saw that contract when I was BFA president. You cannot shoot the legal advisor if he did not see the contract,' he said. David Fani was the BFA president then.

Sebego added that it was critical to set deliverables for everyone involved in the running of football, and not the coach alone.

Sebego, whose administration came under constant fire for failing to offer Tshosane full support, said he was opposed to longer training camps.  'I do not agree with (longer) training camps. Clubs have employed these players and we do not expect them to spend more time with the national team.That's is why we have FIFA dates,' he said.

Meanwhile, an unexpected explosive subject cropped up during the media briefing when a journalist quizzed Sebego about the need for the Botswana Premier League to be independent. 'I have heard you (journalists) use the word autonomy carelessly. What the Premier League needs is more powers and not autonomy and we cannot oppose growth,' he said.

There was a heated debate with Sebego over the issue, with one journalist, who is also the Premier League's board member. The journalist-cum-board member argued that the issue was sensitive and the Premier League should cede from the BFA.  However, Sebego said this was not possible as there can only be one mother body, clarifying that the Premier League can only be given more powers.