
Madyise urges locals to support modelling industry


Although Madyise studied a different course at Bradford University, England, his love for fashion grew tremendously when he saw the fashion industry there.

'I learnt about the fashion industry during my part time jobs off school and I loved it with a passion and I did an image consultancy course in Birmingham,' he said.

Madyise noted that people in Botswana seem not to take the modelling and fashion industry seriously. 

'Most companies use their relatives or friends as models for their events rather than using professional models, they do not want to pay for models and this kills the industry,' he said.

First Models Botswana currently has about 30 models.  Madyise further explained that it's a big challenge to market his models locally. Madyise said other countries seem to recognise the modelling and fashion industry, noting that he usually gets better deals in other countries.

'I have partnered with my connections abroad and I managed to be affiliated with a world model association and I have also partnered with a modelling agency in South Africa so I now book models internationally,' he said.

He explains that his hard work has paid as he has managed to get his models to model for high profile events like Cultural Fashion Week in Japan.

'People abroad now know that there is a talent modelling agency in Botswana but all this is challenging at times,' he said.

He said it is difficult to get sponsorship to travel to other countries.

'When we travel aboard we represent our country as a whole, we show the world that we do not only pride ourselves in diamonds but also with our beauty and creative minds, but we do not get enough financial support.

The only organisations that have been helping us are Dee Zone Production Company and Savutti in Maun who sponsored us for our Malawi trip,' he said.

His company also had the pride of participating in Africa Fashion Week as well as having a model booked for Big Brother Africa Star game commercial.

The company has also done an advert for SA airways, Dunns, and fashion shoots in SA.  It has also had models take part in the Zimbabwe Fashion Week, Malawi Fashion Week and Dublin Fashion Week.

Madyise further mentioned that his agency recruits people between ages six to 65 years. 'We do not only do modelling on the ramp but we also have models who appear on bill boards and adverts,' he said.

He said through their sister agency Catherine Ruze Agency in Zimbabwe, they are able to secure more jobs.  He said his models are billed up for Zimbabwe Fashion Week at the end of this month and they are currently booked for the Perth Fashion Week in Australia.

'I am trying so hard to put our country on the map.  I just wish I would have the support from Batswana as most of these trips I finance myself,' he said.