
Sponsor snubs BAA in chaotic meeting

Thari Mooketsi
Thari Mooketsi

Ramatshaba said the potential sponsor had expressed interest in funding the cross-country competitions. The sponsor was represented at the meeting, specifically to observe how the BAA runs its business. However, after the disorder, the representative made it clear that they could not go ahead with the deal.Ramatshaba reckon that their relationship with affiliates has not been a cordial one but believes the BAA leadership is doing its best. 'We know we are not 100 percent perfect, but we are really trying our best,' he said.

Meanwhile, the BAA will not reconvene another OGM following the chaotic end to the Saturday meeting. Ramatshaba said pending matters will only be concluded at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) next year.Ramatshaba said problems started last Saturday after Orapa Athletics Club (OAC) unsuccessfully tried to pass a motion of no confidence in the BAA president. Those in support of the motion refused to give up after it was shot down by the majority.

The clubs realised that the process that they used in voting was flawed as delegates were counted as individuals and not as club representatives. Those who wanted Mooketsi out cited poor communication between the leadership and the affiliates.Ramatshaba decried the chaos at the meeting saying it was an embarrassment. He said there are always problems at BAA meetings because clubs always send different representatives, which stifles progress. He accused some affiliates of disrespecting meetings by sending athletes instead of administrators. Ramatshaba said they would keep on educating their affiliates.

Orapa Club vice chairperson, Windy Dintwa said they did not propose the vote of no confidence, but were only supporting Maun Athletics Club (MAC). He said like MAC, they felt that Mooketsi should step down because he has failed to deliver what he promised. 'In the World Championships in Moscow, one of our athletes was not registered and the president said that was not his business. What kind of a president says something like that when the buck should stop with him?' Dintwa asked.He admitted that generally, the athletics family did not understand the BAA constitution. 'After voting for the motion, we realised that we used a clause for executive committee elections and not for motions,' he said.

Affiliates wanted to rectify the mistake and be given another chance to vote. Dintwa said that is when problems started because those against the president were victimised and not allowed to speak out. He said the president then adjourned the meeting without consulting the general membership. As far as his group is concerned, the association should call another meeting and inform members about the new date in seven days. Mooketsi has rubbished claims that he has failed to run the association.

He said BAA is divided with his detractors sabotaging progress. 'There were people who did not like it when I won elections and they are still bitter about it and they are now sabotaging progress,' he said. He agreed that as long as there are divisions, there will be no progress. He said they are working on improving relations in the athletics fraternity. He said they have organised courses to educate affiliates on how the association is run but this seems to be falling.