
Controversial goal gives Nico win over BMC

Nico Pic Kabo Mpaetona
Nico Pic Kabo Mpaetona

The goal, which came on the 58th minute, nearly spoiled the game. BMC players and bench believed that Moyo punched the ball from the goalkeeper who seemed to have handled it from a well-taken corner-kick by Nico United midfielder Topo Piet.At least five players were taken out due to injuries - Nelson Moreetsi, Onkabetse Seforo, Khumoetsile Kufigwa, Piet and BMC's Moshe Gaolaolwe.Seforo was injured on the 26th minute and rushed to the hospital.

The other  seemingly career-threatening injury was sustained by Khumoetsile Kufigwa  on the 90th minute.Elijah Montsho was the culprit and only escaped with a yellow card, much to the chagrin of the Nico bench.The injuries mean that the 2012/2013 be MOBILE Premier League runners-up are likely to face ruthless Mochudi Centre Chiefs without four of their key players.The Nico-BMC game had to be stopped many times as the referee blew his whistle from time to time due to injuries and bad tackles.

An unhappy Nico United coach Elijah Chikwanda said he was worried by the many injuries his boys suffered.He however said the win was a moral boost for his players before they meet Chiefs over the weekend.  For his part, Chico Nare said he was happy with the result, as it was his first game. He questioned some of the referee's decisions. He was particularly concerned about the goal, which he felt was illegitimate.