
Seeletso is first Motswana Top Chef judge

The Polish Top Chef edition panel of judges
The Polish Top Chef edition panel of judges

The celebrity chef told Arts & Culture that he is a fellow-judge to some of the best chefs in Poland including Modest Amaro, the only Polish chef with a Michelin star known for his 21st century Polish cuisine.

'I was excited when I heard the news that I had been chosen ato be one of the judges on Top Chef but I had to contain myself and not share the news before time.  It has always been my dream to take my career to another level more so that I have been a morning TV chef for five years and I needed a new challenge,' said the Poland-based Seeletso.

He said that the first season of Polish Top Chef, which has 1.9 million viewers will run until the end of November this year and hopefully there will be a second edition.

The chef told Arts & Culture that his Polish audiences have been shocked by his strictness on Top Chef because they are used to his friendly image on his morning shows.  He said the jury on the show is looking for the most creative executive chef with new cooking techniques who is willing to experiment with new products.

Seeletso stated that it was not easy to become a celebrity chef in the East European country.'It was not easy to achieve this especially in East Europe.  I had to be strong mentally because to be on the media more especially TV is not easy as it can even get political so I had to ignore trivial issues and press on,' he said. 

He has had the chance to meet top boxers, Lenox Lewis and Mike Tyson who were both proud to see a black man making a name for himself in Poland.

Seeletso said that he was in Botswana three months ago and by then, he already knew that he was going to be a judge on Top Chef but he could not go public since the producers had asked him to keep everything to himself.

He said while home, he did a live cooking demo show for the Botswana National Youth Council. He interacted with children who aspire to be professional chefs giving them motivational talks.

Back in Poland, the celebrity chef said that he has been busy working on Joseph's Culinary Studio where he conducts workshops for companies which need integration and team-building. 

He is also working on his cookbook and trying to re-open his Signature Restaurant after parting ways with his partner a few months back.Seeletso said he would always be thankful for the right grooming he got in Botswana.

'I started my career in Phakalane Golf Estates and I must thank the Magang family for giving me the opportunity to be the first Motswana executive chef in an upmarket establishment back then and it was my pleasure to work and share my passion with fellow Batswana,' he said.

Seeletso hopes that next year, he will consult in local hotels and restaurants.  He said while in Gaborone, he ate out and managed to cook two private dinners and found out that there was space for his cuisine in the city. 

'Great chefs like Gordon Ramsay are travelling to different countries every week and hopefully one day, I will shuttle between Poland and Botswana,' he said.