
Top Zambian singer arrives for gigs

The Zambian is expected to perform at the Francistown’s ultimate leisure centre, Lizard Entertainment on Friday night to mark celebrations of his country’s Independence Day.

On Saturday night, Dalisoul (real name Madaliso Phiri) will stage a show at Tati River Lodge (TRL). He will be accompanied by the acrobatic Jerabo Dance Troup from his country. Dalisoul is originally from Malawi but has settled in Zambia.

The two gigs are organised by Kodmuk Promotions and Botswana Zambian Friendship Association (BOZAFA). They are codenamed Zambia’s Independence Celebrations with Dalisoul.

Kodmuk Chitembo, the spokesperson for Kodmuk Promotions said Zambians have decided to celebrate their independence with Batswana, hence the invitation of Dalisoul.  “Botswana is home to a number of Zambians. And this shows that there are strong relations between Botswana and Zambia,” he said.  Chitembo said the shows are not limited to Zambians only. “Before the show at TRL, locals will have an opportunity to learn Zambian history. We will be having officials from the Zambian embassy to represent the ambassador,” he said. 

It will be the first time for Dalisoul to perform in Botswana.  Early this year, the 30-year old singer released a popular single, Musiye Ayende (Let Go). Musiye Ayende tells a woman not to cling to a man who does not treat her right.  Dalisoul sees himself as a fighter of social injustice and an education activist through his music.