
Basketball players slammed for drinking alcohol at games


President of the Botswana Basketball Association (BBA) Kabo Khama expressed the concern during their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Palapye last Saturday.

“Excessive alcohol drinking by basketball players at games is a topic that comes up over and again from media and other quarters,” he said.  

He said the culture of drinking alcohol during basketball games has soiled the image of the game.

Khama said attracting sponsors continues to be BBA’s biggest challenge. He said this has been difficult with increased competition from other interests for the ever-tightening sponsor’s purse strings in Botswana due to the economic recession.   He underscored the need to make the game of basketball more attractive, more vibrant and more appealing to spectators as well as prospective sponsors.

“This is something that we must put in check and practice. We will only be taken as seriously as we take ourselves,” he said.

He said his association would from now onwards not hesitate to take punitive measures against players who consume alcohol at league games.

Sikwila Mwila, Cadets player/team manager echoed his Khama’s sentiments. He said basketball players might find no fault in the culture of drinking alcohol in basketball regalia.

“But to the people out there, it does not augur well. People will never take our game seriously,” said Mwila.  He said such conduct is an eyesore to the corporate world and certain sections of society.

Mwila also urged punishment against basketball players who take alcohol during games.