
Stranded Vilakazi, Ngwenya threaten to quit Notwane

Testing time: Vilakazi and Ngwenya at the Lekidi Centre in Gaborone, where they reportedly requested their clearance certificates
Testing time: Vilakazi and Ngwenya at the Lekidi Centre in Gaborone, where they reportedly requested their clearance certificates

The players have been shifting from one hotel to another and at press time yesterday, the situation had worsened, as Gaborone Sun refused to release their luggage because of unpaid bills. 

Sources say the two players stormed Lekidi Centre, which houses both Botswana Football Association and Botswana Premier League offices, demanding their International Transfer Certificates (ITC).

The sources said the players have not been paid since they came to Botswana at the beginning of the season. Yesterday, they wrote to the Players Status Committee to ask for their ITCs.

The two players told Mmegi Sport yesterday that they might be forced to terminate their contracts and return to South Africa. They said the matter was ‘painful and sensitive’.

“We want out, we have had enough. If we had accommodation it was going to be better. Now we don’t even have anywhere to sleep as even our luggage is held by the hotel they owe,” the two said.

Alfred Somolokae, a Notwane supporter and an elder, has given the two players accommodation when they were kicked out. Somolekae said there was a need to re-look at Mogapi’s deal.  “He hasn’t paid any debts owed by the team, including players’ salaries. We should maybe look at going back to being a society. I appreciate he took the team to a higher level to make it more appealing but he should come clean. I have accommodated three of Notwane players at one point. This is a serious challenge. It will drag the name of BFA and BPL in the mud. To call people from South Africa to make them suffer is just not good,” he said.

Notwane has reportedly asked to have their games postponed.

Mogapi said on phone that he was not aware that the players have requested for their ITCs or their eviction from the hotel.

“I was talking to them and they did not say anything about that. They are forced to say these things by people who want to pull me down,” he said yesterday. He claimed he was with coach, Simon Ngomane in South Africa though he did not to say why the coach is not in Botswana. He ended the interview when asked about the coach saying he was in a meeting. It is reported that Ngomane left with the club’s car and it is not clear when it will be returned.