
Six months of non-stop police patrols

Police officers lead a suspect handcuffed to Centarl Police Station for questioning
Police officers lead a suspect handcuffed to Centarl Police Station for questioning

In a draft strategy document, produced by the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Police, National Aids Coordinating Agency(NACA) and the Immigration Department, the patrols will be carried out by police and the immigration department.

The strategy document is a result of the Ministry of Health findings that reveal that HIV prevalence was at 62% among prostitutes, with significant percentage of them also found to be suffering from STI's such as chlamydia (11.5%), gonorrhoea (10.5%) and syphilis (3.5%).

The police and immigration however found that it would be difficult to deport or charge anyone with prostitution. They also found that punishments for idling are too low and that may be the reason why some illegal immigrants practice prostitution in Botswana.

Locals caught during the six months operations will be profiled for future references and taken to clinics for medical interventions, according to the draft strategy paper.

Illegal immigrants caught during the night operation will be deported, those with valid documents will have their days evoked and deported. The strategy also says those non-citzens with work permits will be charged with idling and recommendations made to the minister to cancel their work permits.

In the paper, the Ministry of Health says they will increase access to sexual reproductive health services, STI care, TB screening, HIV testing, and counselling, ARV's for citizens,  condom provision, and others to key populations (prostitutes.

Interestingly the ministry also says they will create  a supporting  and condusive environment to key populations (prostitutes, gays) to minimise stigma and discrimination amongst them and the health care providers.

The Ministry of Health had conducted  an Integrated Behavioural & Biological Surveillance Survey (IBBSS)of HIV/STI among selected high risk sub-populations, namely Female Sex Workers (FSW), Men having Sex with other Men (MSM) and People Who Inject Drugs (PWID).


Objectives of the study

* To estimate the incidence and prevalence of HIV infection among FSW, MSM and PWID in Botswana.

* To measure the prevalence of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia, among FSW, MSM and PWID, MSM in three districts.

* To estimate the size of two populations namely FSW, and MSM in three districts in Botswana.

Study Findings

(FSW) Age-average 20-29 years 

Nationality 66% Batswana STls found to be prevalent among FSWs especially chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis. HIV prevalence standing at 6l.9%.  HIV incidence standing at 12.5%. Estimated number - 2,722 Gaborone and 1,065 Francistown.