
Black Forest show coach the door

The club's manager, Mompati Ditiro said: 'There were things that we and the coach did not agree on and I am sorry I won't say them since they are not for public consumption.'  He said it was for the good of the club to let the coach go. 

Despite ordering the coach out, Ditiro said they did not fire Moseki, but amicably agreed to part ways, adding the departure had nothing to do with the team's performance.

Black Forest's weekend game against Masitaoka in Molepolole was their first game without Moseki, and Ditiro said he was so happy that they won.  'I am happy we won it and we do not regret our decision to let Moseki go, since we are prepared to help the team to do well,' Ditiro said. When contacted for comment Moseki said he was yet to receive the letter from his employers regarding the move.

'For now I am waiting for official communication from management. Therefore it is difficult to give you information before I receive the letter.'  When pressed, Moseki said he received a call from Ditiro last week Tuesday asking him not to go to the ground. He was told about the letter the management had written. Moseki believes his team was doing well.

'Black Forest is doing quite well considering that they are rookies. We had played five games before they chased me and out of all these games, we lost one, drew three and managed to beat a big team, Mochudi Buffaloes away,' stressed Moseki.

Moseki admitted that the technical team and the management did not enjoy good relations. He blamed management for interfering in the technical team's duties, including team selection.