The Winners Code

Choose what you feed

In many ways this little poem describes succinctly the human nature or rather the battle that humans constantly fight. However, there are some thoughts about this verse that I would like us to explore carefully.

First, it is important to acknowledge the existence of two natures. In almost every situation there is more than one force crying out for attention. And more often than not, the forces are diametrically opposite. The forces do not impose a solution on us, they simply pummel us and sometimes destabilise us. However, the most important thing is that we choose which force to obey. When we choose the force that we cooperate with we also automatically choose our future results. It is always the one that we feed that will dominate and then carve our paths in life. What are the common vexatious choice situations that we face?


Integrity versus compromise

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong internal values. It is the state of being whole and undivided. A man of integrity therefore is a man who integrates his word and deeds into one. You can count upon such a person. He keeps his promises even if doing so puts him at a disadvantage. On the other hand compromise is the expedient acceptance of standards that are less than desirable. The choice between integrity and compromise is one that we face every day. What do you do if you are in a sticky situation and it becomes known to you that telling a little white lie will get you out of the mess? The critical factor in all this integrity versus compromise discourse is the existence of values. Without values, there is integrity. Without values, there is also no compromise. Compromise is the foul nature that beats within us, while integrity is the blessed one. Most people unfortunately practice what is called situational integrity. When the situation permits they stick to their values. However, during times of adversity they quickly discard those values. Adversity comes to test our resolve to hold on to the values that we count dear. Integrity is something you build up by practicing. If you keep compromising in every situation that compromise will become part of your character and will ultimately dictate your results and outcomes. Compromise should never be fed.


Fear versus bravery

'Sir, I am not a brave man. The truth of the matter is I am usually a coward at heart. I have never been in the sound of gunshot or sight of battle in my whole life that I was not afraid. I constantly have sweat on my palms and a lump in my throat.' Those were the words of one of the most valiant soldiers in the Second World War. This was a man who constantly faced danger. His physiological response bears testimony to the fact that he was aware of those dangers. He did not deny their existence, and most importantly he did not run away from the dangers. He faced them and conquered them. He did not take counsel of his fears but he acted in spite of his fears. He had a choice between feeding his fears and feeding his bravery, and he chose the latter and in the process gained reputation as a very fine and brave soldier. Similarly, we are constantly put in situations where we must choose between acting out of fear and acting in spite of our fears.  The people that give in to their fears will not go far in life. However, those that act in spite of their fears risk losing soul and limb, but they also give themselves a fighting chance of achieving their dreams. Winners always choose to feed bravery and starve fear.


Indulgence versus restraint

One of the biggest dilemmas that people face is choosing between indulgence and restraint. Developments in technology have somehow trained people to expect instant results and instant progress. If you want instant coffee, and you are serious about it, you will get it in a matter of a few minutes. If you want instant cash; you are likely to find many dubious schemes promising such. We live in a world which no longer appreciates the virtue in restraint. People from every walk of life are pursing instant gratification of their beastly instincts. The unfortunate consequence is that most of them ruin their lives beyond redemption in the process. Delayed gratification is a surer and more solid rock to build one's life on. It is indulgence which is the source of most personal financial disasters. Have you ever wondered why very few people save substantial amounts of money in their youth and why many are broke after retirement? Indulgence does not go hand in hand with a saving culture. Indulgence does not promote discipline. A person without restraint is like a broken fence. It cannot no longer do what it was erected to do.


Indolence versus diligence

Every day we are faced with a choice; to be lazy or to be diligent. When all the lights are out, you too are faced with a choice; to push on for a little longer or to embrace the temptation to slumber. Diligence is work, and human nature is disinclined to exert effort. However, there is nothing worthwhile that has been accomplished without serious effort.  The indolent love a life of comfort and ease; but with comfort and ease there is no achievement. When the choice between indolence and diligence knocks on the door always choose to feed diligence.